Dietary Recommendations for Osteoarthritis
Why Nutrition is Important for Osteoarthritis Symptoms While physical therapy and medications are important for treating and managing osteoarthritis , the right diet is also needed. This is because certain foods will feed your muscles and bones and keep them strong, so that they can better support your joints and decrease their continued wear and tear. This can also mean less pain and trauma when you move the joints; in turn, they can rest and heal more easily. In addition keeping a healthy diet can aid in weight loss goals or maintenance; a healthy weight will put less stress on your joints. Foods can help to add moisture and hydration to your system, which will keep those stiff and painful joints supple. Other foods have anti-inflammatory properties, to help tone down that inflammation and soreness around the joints. Because blood brings with it healing oxygen and helpful vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients, you want to encourage healthy blood circulation when you have osteoarthritis. Certain foods help to feed and nourish your blood cells and also help your body to produce new red blood cells. Foods that build your immune system will also help your body to stay healthier overall so that your muscles and joints won’t become weakened because of not being rebuilt and repaired as they should.