Checklist for Medical Tourism

Checklist for Medical Tourism

If you are planning to take a trip abroad for the purposes of medical tourism, you need to be prepared. You should spend some time trying to figure out the essentials that will keep you stress-free and increase the success rate for the medical treatment that you are seeking abroad.

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Here is a checklist of some medical essentials that you would require before heading off to your destination:

All About Your Treatment/Surgery
Medical tourism has become a viable way to get expensive treatments at destinations that are relatively cheaper, and still offer world-class treatment and medical services. It is essential that you conduct research about various hospitals/clinics and doctors available at your destination and shortlist a few for your reference. You should follow up with calls or emails to learn more about their experience, an area of expertise and medical background. Once you are satisfied, consult your local doctor and double check before making a decision.

Check for Fee and Costs
You might have to stay in a rehab facility or the hospital which might be essentially expensive; for this, you need to make a rough estimate of how much money you would require. It would be great if you could get in touch with a hospital/doctor that you have shortlisted to get an estimate of how much the entire treatment and stay would cost you. Nonetheless, medical tourism destinations are famously known for their relatively cheaper treatments where you can save some money.

Plan Your Logistics
It is extremely important to take care of all the intricacies of your trip’s logistics. You need to know the transportation routes from the airport and around the area that you choose to stay. You should know the commonly used methods for paying bills as well as an understanding of the currency in the country you go for your treatment.

Know More About The Destination Country
Do some thorough research to see how safe the country is and check out for any potential disease outbreaks, war, political unrest or any natural calamity.

Medical Tourism Insurance
You should talk to your travel agent and get yourself insured. This will ensure a stress-free situation for you while traveling abroad.

Recommended Read:  Travel Medical Insurance: What You Need to Know

Understand the Procedures for Medical Tourism
Every country has their own set procedures for medical tourism, make sure that you understand them. Ensure that your medical records are transferred to the destination. You should understand the procedure of transferring back your medical records back home after the treatment. Ensure that there is compliance with the health privacy norms.  Medical tourism is a boon for those who require expensive surgeries and treatments, which are often not covered by health insurances and can thus become a source of liability. By following this checklist, you will be able to have a safer experience and save a lot of money.

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