Conjugated Linoleic Acid: The Fat to Fight Fat

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: The Fat to Fight Fat

The supplement market is abuzz with innumerable commodities that promise the ever-selling prospect of weight loss and the model like statuesque figure seen in magazines. Want to be a size 2 from your original size 14? “We can do it” is the response of most of the supplement branding boxes. None of these mentions that a supplement works precisely as it is named. It will merely ‘supplement’ the process of weight loss and in no way can it solely  get rid of all that fat, weight and chubbiness without appropriate efforts on your part as well. The concept of getting rid of fat by eating fat is gaining a lot of popularity off late. At the forefront of this campaign is Conjugated Linoleic Acid, also referred to by the acronym CLA.

What is CLA?

It is a kind of Omega-6 fatty acid that is one of the two types of fatty acids that are a conjugated form of linoleic acid and cannot be synthesized by the human body. A chance discovery by professor Michael W. Pariza of an isolated agent in hamburgers that was found to decrease the occurrence of cancer in mice brought forth this element that on further research was found to be the chemical form of naturally occurring linoleic acid, hence called Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

How does CLA interact with the body?

Although CLA boasts of several advantages, on a scientific level its function is to avoid a small fat cell from getting larger in size. Many studies claimed that when taken daily along with regular diet and exercise, it not only  prevented weight gain but also led to a metabolic and endurance boost. Having said that, it will definitely not be a compensatory factor to ill eating and no exercising. A daily dosage of about 3400 mg of CLA is required to be included in the diet to see its positive effects. Easily available over-the-counter in the form of capsules, it is also found in beef, lamb, whole milk and eggs.

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Benefits of CLA

Weight loss : The general term of weight loss is managed by a combination of actions that CLA has on the body such as regulating metabolism, reducing the accumulation and growth of adipose tissue, managing inflammation and lipid regulation. All these factors when indulged with the right kind of exercise regimen and eating habits bring about weight loss.

Improves immunity : The ability to fight inflammation and counter acting bacteria’s boost the immune system. It is also known to have a positive effect in autoimmune diseases.

Fights cancer : The discovery of CLA is so steeped in cancer treatment that it cannot be negated in fighting cancer. Life threatening conditions of breast cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer can be reduced in severity by approximately 30-40 percent if CLA is included in the diet as per many researchers.

Reduces food urges : One of the recent studies shows that CLA helps to enhance fat loss by making you feel full, increasing satiety and reducing the urge to eat more.This results in feeling satisfied with smaller meal portions, thereby consuming fewer calories.

Reduces body fat content : The ability of CLA to prevent the increase in size of fat cells of the body is quite authentic. This ability leads to reduce body fat content and the maximum fat being accumulated in the abdomen, this is also known as the belly fat buster.

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Muscle gains : Eliminating the muscle fat and aiding in the muscle girth and helping the muscle gain more strength is the contribution of CLA.

Insulin regulation : The main role of CLA in diabetes is firstly to completely prevent it and secondly to decrease insulin resistance in diabetics which causes diabetes in the first place.

Improves exercise endurance : CLA acts as a testosterone booster according to many studies and this when combined with the ability of rid the muscle of fat and bulk is bound to result in better endurance.

Increases metabolic rates : It effectively corrects any irregularity in metabolic rates specifically in thyroid patients. The boost in metabolic activity directly leads to an enhanced state of weight loss and this is why CLA is popular in the fitness industry.

Regulates cholesterol : It is found to keep a check on triglycerides as well as cholesterol and is hence suggested as supplementation to many thyroid and cardiac patients.

Now that you know all about Conjugated Linoleic Acid, you can make a more informed choice about whether or not to start using it.

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