Counting Net Carbs To Lose Weight

Counting Net Carbs To Lose Weight

Health and wellness concerns have gained significant traction in the public discourse in recent years. One specific area of focus is micro and macro-deficiencies that result from lifestyle changes and increase in consumption of adulterated or junk food. Weight maintenance has become a prerequisite for a disease-free life. It is important to calculate your total carbohydrate intake, as it has a significant impact on your blood sugar level and weight. Net carbs are the calculation of total carbohydrates excluding sugar, alcohol and fibers . Reducing carbohydrate intake is essential for any weight loss diet regime , and for that, accurate estimation is necessary.

Health experts and nutritionists have recommended maintaining low-calorie and low-fat diet. A Low-carb diet involves replacement of starches such as in bread, pasta, etc., and sugar with protein and fat. It helps reduce your appetite and also helps you lose weight effortlessly. They also help lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and even triglycerides, while improving the pattern of cholesterol.

For every individual, optimal carbohydrate intake depends on age, gender, body composition, level of activity, food preferences, and metabolic health. People who are more active physically and with better metabolism tolerate more carbohydrates than those who lead more sedentary lives.

The formula for counting net cards is as follows:

Net carbs = Total carbohydrates – (Fibers + Sugar alcohol)

If the meal constitutes 20 grams slice of bread, 6 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of sugar alcohol, then the net carb is calculated as 10 grams. The net carb diet measurement encourages one to consume more fiber, as the fiber doesn’t get converted to glucose and increase your sugar levels and weight. Too much of sugar alcohol, on the other hand, can have laxative effects.

A moderate carbohydrate intake is approximately 200-250 grams per day. That is for a 2000-calorie diet. It is meant specifically for people whose normal routine is moderately active. These carbohydrates must optimally include green vegetables, fruits, healthy starches such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice grain and oats. Some other carbohydrate content can be offered by berries, whipped cream, avocados, seeds, and nuts. It is not just important for weight loss but also general health. Low carb junk foods are worst choices. One must include unprocessed food in your diet, such as meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, nuts, healthy fats, full-fat dairy products. Sugar must always be limited in quantity.

Some essential low-carb diets include a typical Western diet, a ketogenic diet , low-carb high fat diet, low carb paleo diet, Atkins diet, Eco-Atkins, Zero-car diet, and low-carb Mediterranean diet.

Low-carb diets reduce levels of insulin in the blood. Insulin is the hormone that brings glucose into the cells. Insulin also tells the kidney to hoard sodium, and hence high-carb diet causes excess water retention. This type of diet doesn’t necessarily imply that one’s plate must consist of only fibers and sugar or alcohol, as any imbalance is likely to upset the gut. Low-carb diets are also effective in reducing the fat in the abdominal cavity. As the body burns more fat, it needs energy that helps with that process. Ketones are produced when fats break down which can have side-effects such as headaches and nausea. Hence, a balanced diet is essential. The initial adaptation phase itself shows great results.

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