Customizing Your Fitness Training Program for Your Core Muscles

Customizing Your Fitness Training Program for Your Core Muscles

Core muscles predominantly include abdominal muscles, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis. The stronger they are, the better equipped you are for several physical activities. Core strength exercises are meant for strengthening your core muscles and can be done on a carpeted floor or yoga mat. Core muscle training includes some of the most rigorous and exhausting forms of workout. However, the results are great and help you build a mighty core. Here is a list of a few exercises for a perfectly toned and athletic body.

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Abdominal crunch

This is one of the most classic and ubiquitous core training methods. This exercise is done by leaning against the wall and ensuring that the knees and hips are bent at 90-degree angles. The abdominal muscles need to be tightened. Meanwhile, raise the arms and shoulders off the floor. It’s better to cross your arms over the chest, rather than locking them behind the head, to avoid straining the neck. Hold your breath for 3 counts and release. Keep repeating the procedure again.

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This helps tighten a combination of multiple muscles. It is done by lying on the back with a bent knee. The back has to be in a neutral position, neither arched nor pressed on the floor. Make sure that the abdominal muscles are tightened and hips are not tilted. Raise the hips from the floor aligned with knees and shoulders. Hold your breath for 3 counts and repeat the set.

Single-leg abdominal press

Lie on your back with your knees bent while keeping it in a non-arched neutral position. Tighten your abdominal muscles without tilting your hips. While raising the right leg off the floor, make sure that the hip and knee are bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep the right hand on the top of the right knee and push the right hand straight against the knee, while pulling the knee towards the hands using the abdominal muscles.

Double leg abdominal press

Keep your back in a neutral position without being arched or pressed on the floor and tighten your abdominal muscles. Avoid tilting your hips and raise your legs off the floor keeping the knees and hips at 90 degrees. Your hands will rest on top of knees. Use the abdominal muscles to pull the knees towards your hands and push your hands against the knees. Hold your breath for 3 counts and keep your arms straight.

Segmental rotation

Lie on the back with bent knees, and tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep your shoulders on the floor, and slowly let the knees go towards the left, ensuring that there is a slight stretch but no pain. Hold your breath for 3 counts and repeat the set for the right leg.


Place your hands directly below the shoulders and ensuring alignment of the head and the neck with the back. Tightening of abdominal muscles is important. Raise the right arm and pull your body forward. Hold your breath for 3 counts and repeat it with the left arm. Now raise the right leg off the floor while tightening the trunk muscles for balance.

Modified Plank

Planking is done by lying on the stomach and raising the rest of your body on your forearms and knees. The head and neck need to be aligned with the back. Ensure tightening of abdominal muscles. Your elbows and knees should not move while you’re in the plank position. Hold your breath for 3 counts and repeat.

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Side Plank

Side plank is done by lying on the left side of your body and raising yourself from your left forearm. The left shoulder must directly be above the left elbow and you must keep your shoulders, hips, and knees in an alignment. Hold your breath for 3 counts while tightening the abdominal muscles and repeat the same for the right side as well.


This exercise helps strengthen the lower back. You must lie on your stomach and ensure you keep a small pillow under the hips to support your back. Even your head can be supported in a similar way. Meanwhile, tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your right arm off the floor and hold your breath for 3 counts, and repeat the set with the other leg.

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