Diabetes: Cardiovascular Complications

Diabetes: Cardiovascular Complications

Patients with diabetes have a higher risk of developing heart disease than non-diabetic patients. According the the American Heart Association diabetic patients are 3x more likely to develop heart disease then non-diabetic and nearly 60-68% of patients with diabetes will die from heart disease. In addition, diabetic patients develop coronary artery disease (a condition that affects the blood vessels the supply the heart with blood) at a younger age than those without diabetes.

The reason for this is because people with diabetes not only have higher blood sugar, but often have other conditions that increase risk for heart disease such as elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, and being overweight. Proper blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol management along with a healthy lifestyle can can help reduce risk.

Risk factors for developing heart disease in patients with Diabetes:

  • men >50 years
  • women >60 years
  • family HX CVD
  • hypertension (blood pressure >130/80)
  • smoking
  • high cholesterol
  • albuminuria (protein in the urine)