‘Fall’ Back into Your Fitness Routine

‘Fall’ Back into Your Fitness Routine

Our lives have gotten so busy that we often forget to pay attention to our health and fitness. Now that fall is here, it’s time to revive our fitness routine. Here are some activities we can do to fall back into our fitness routine this autumn :

Raking leaves
You know that leaves shed during the fall season, but did you know that you can burn around 400 calories every hour by raking leaves. And you can clean up your driveway and your yard while getting great exercise. So, if you are looking to revamp your fitness routine this fall, make sure you’re raking leaves.

Fall exercise clubs
Joining an exercise club targeted towards women for the fall season will let you meet new people and keep you motivated to work out. You will also learn a lot of new exercises. This will help you to achieve your fitness results and to create a permanent fitness routine for the next season.

Mountain biking
Do you want to get toned legs and a firm butt? Then, mountain biking is an excellent choice for the fall season. You will be able to burn 400-500 calories every hour if you ride your bike across a mountain. To make your bike rides more fun, you can ask your gal pals to tag along. You will notice that this great workout will help you improve your physique and make you feel more energized in just a few months.

Fall festival walks
The fall season brings different types of seasonal festivals with it. The best part of these festivals is that they are spread across a wide area. So, walk with your friends and take part in the festivities, and burn those calories along the way.

Try home designed exercises
Do you feel the urge of exercising early in the morning but feel that the weather does not seem to support you? Then you can try the in-home activities. There are several exercises which can be done at home – like Zumba and Pilates. You can even get second-hand indoor exercising machines to add intensity to your workouts.

Run a race
Running few times every week is good for heart and health. To get started, you can talk to your friends or your female networking groups to start running competitions on a weekly basis. This will bring some change in your fitness routine, thereby bringing a new twist to your daily life. You can run marathons or participate in the races that raise funds for charity.

So, no more lagging behind with your fitness routine. Pick your favourite activities from this list and get back to your fitness routine this fall season.