Fasting Diet to Lose Weight – Read between the lines

Fasting Diet to Lose Weight – Read between the lines

Fasting has often been considered an effective means of losing weight. And while there is certainly some truth to that belief, most people fail to understand that there’s a lot more to fasting for weight loss than simply not eating. The truth is, if you are serious about losing weight, you need to have a proper fasting plan in place.

Before fasting, there are certain do’s and don’ts you need to follow to avoid illness and other complications. If you are suffering from any disease, particularly diabetes , then you need to consult your doctor before you start to fast.

Fasting not only helps you lose weight but it also increases your lifespan. Studies have shown that avoiding calories in your meals can increase your lifespan by 25%. If you chose intermittent fasting plans then you may achieve your goals quickly. These plans are recommended for those who want to build muscle, in addition to losing weight.

Read on for some fasting diet tips that you need to follow in order to effectively lose weight without any undesirable effects:

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  • Eat nutritious food: Skipping meals is not the solution to your weight loss. Instead, it will lead you to eat more unhealthy food. If you are planning a healthy diet, then you must know that you have to eat once every 6-7 hours to maintain your diet. Avoid meals that add calories to your body, as they are the primary cause of weight gain. Do not take food rich in fats and calories like potato chips, wafers, chocolates, pastries, ice-cream and much more. Instead, opt for low-calorie and fiber-rich food options.

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  • Warrior diet: Those who follow this diet generally skip their meals for the day, and only eat once in the night. They have raw fruits, juices, veggies and other nutritious food. According to several studies, taking meals at night helps you burn a significant amount of fat and calories. You can, if you want, have some light food through the day, intermittently, in order to keep up your energy levels.
  • Up day-down day diet: This is one of the easiest intermittent fasting plans, wherein you can eat very little in one day, and follow a normal diet the next day. It helps you reduce your calorie consumption. During the down period, do not consume solid foods. Try to take only the liquids like fruit juices, vegetable juices, protein shake, and other nutrients.

Some additional tips to follow include:

  • Drinking plenty of water during the fasting period.
  • Fast during the night while sleeping.
  • Make a list of fasting dos and don’ts and follow them in a proper manner.
  • Start your diet in your busy days.
  • Go to the gym to do some exercise.

There is no doubt that fasting is an effective means of weight loss. But if you fast for too long, and use an improper diet plan, it can be injurious to your health.

Remember that fats and calories are the primary reasons for your increasing weight. Even if you don’t follow any other aspects of the aforementioned diets, do not take calorie-rich meals if you are aiming to lose weight. This naturally includes any kind of fast food. Moreover, avoid any kind of beverages, particularly aerated drinks. Fasting is also best avoided by pregnant women, and children below the age of 12 years.

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