Five Great Reasons to See a Geriatrician

Five Great Reasons to See a Geriatrician

What is a geriatrician?
A geriatrician is someone who specializes in the health of the elderly. A physician who has years of experience in catering to elderly patients, or who have earned a degree in geriatric medicine, becomes a geriatrician.

Why do you need a geriatrician?
As you age, certain changes take place, namely:

  • Your metabolism drops.
  • You become less active
  • There is cognitive decline.
  • Reflexes diminish.
  • Immunity is suppressed.
  • Your bones become brittle.
  • Eyesight diminishes.
  • There are changes of glaucoma and cataract .
  • There are age-related mental changes.
  • The risk of cardiovascular diseases is high.
  • There is a subtle onset of depression and stress.

All these changes, along with social and economic changes, lead to some unique challenges. This warrants a specialist, who can address all these issues holistically.

When to visit a geriatrician?
Years ago, geriatricians were typically approached only when an elderly person was faced with severe problems. But today, there is a greater push towards taking proactive preventive measures. So if you are in your late 50s, it is time for you to start consulting a geriatrician and try to get a plan in place to age gracefully . This will help prevent a lot of problems down the line, which will be otherwise difficult to handle.

Still not convinced? Read on for five reasons why it’s highly beneficial for you to visit a geriatrician.

  • Prevent age-related illness and disability
    As you age, your entire cognitive, physical, emotional, and social structure changes. For some, this change will be gradual. But for most people, the change takes them by surprise. They may visit their physician for a routine check-up, only to discover that they have severe diabetes or hypertension; despite not exhibiting any visible symptoms of these conditions before. And by the time you detect the illness, your body will already have suffered significant damage without your knowledge. So if you want to discover these conditions early, and take the appropriate preventive measures, then you must visit a geriatrician. They would be able to better prepare you for the issues that may arise, and preventive measures that you can take.
  • Handle cardiovascular diseases effectively
    When you suffer from cardiovascular diseases after 60, the implications are different from what they would be if you were younger. For instance, medications that are calculated using body weight will no longer apply. Other conditions, like co-morbid disorders, kidney problems, metabolism, etc. also have to be considered when planning management for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Prevent age-related neurological changes
    One of the profound effects of aging is cognitive decline. Memory issues reduced attention span, and speech problems are some of the resultant age-related problems. It is not possible for any normal family physician to handle these. The expertise of a specialist is required to evaluate, treat, manage and monitor conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease . One way that your geriatrician can help is by giving you the requisite medications when the disease sets in. On the other hand, anticipating these problems, the geriatrician can prescribe preventive medication and techniques.
  • Advise on diet and nutrition
    Another major problem faced by the elderly is the lack of certain nutrients. Taking proper diet and nutrition is not an easy task, especially when you lose your teeth and appetite. When this happens, the chances of losing out on essential vitamins and minerals are high. This requires careful planning to decide what diet to take and what shouldn’t be eaten. Furthermore, it is necessary to take stock of all your micronutrient requirements. Here, your geriatrician plays the valuable role of a nutritionist – albeit, one who understands the specific nutritional requirements of an elderly person.
  • Physical activity and fitness
    Once you age, your level of physical activity is reduced. The risk of sustaining injuries is also high. For instance, a pelvic injury due to a fall in the bathroom can prove to be very damaging. Your geriatrician will be able to educate you regarding this; teaching you how to avoid such injuries, and giving you suggestions on what type of physical activities and fitness routines you can safely engage in.

Consulting a geriatrician is the best way to ensure that you live your golden years free from any age-related problems.