Foods to Eat When You Have Low Blood Sugar

Foods to Eat When You Have Low Blood Sugar

Blood sugar or glucose can dip if you haven’t eaten properly during the day or if you have diabetes. Low blood sugar is not good for health if it occurs quite frequently. There are some common signs of low blood sugar such as dizziness, hunger, tiredness, confusion, sweating, blurry vision, rapid heartbeat, crankiness, and anxiety. The medical term for low blood sugar is hypoglycemia. If you wish to keep low blood sugar symptoms in control, you can incorporate some foods into your diet to increase the level of glucose in your blood. People who have diabetes can check the low blood sugar levels chart to evaluate their food needs by monitoring the glucose several times a day.

Recommended Read:  Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Low Blood Sugar

Here are some foods you should eat when you have low blood sugar

Whole Grains
Whole grains are low in glycemic index. This means that these foods get digested slowly and release energy gradually over a few hours. Eating grains like oats, whole wheat, barley, quinoa and rice can help you maintain optimum blood glucose levels. Include whole grain bread, pasta, and crackers in your diet. Regularly eat whole grains for all your main meals.

Legumes are a good source of protein. They are also easy to digest. You should eat legumes at least once a day to keep low blood sugar levels at bay. If you are going to be away from home or work for extended periods of time such as when traveling; carry peanuts or roasted legumes with you to eat for a quick fix when your sugar dips. You can include protein sources such as salmon, chicken, low-fat cheese, lentils and nut butter.

Eggs have a low glycemic index and are excellent sources of protein. Including hard boiled eggs for breakfast, a few times every week can help you avoid low blood sugar level.

Almonds and other nuts are high in protein and break down slowly in the digestive tract. Nuts are also high in fiber content. Both protein and fiber can help to keep glucose levels balanced in the body. So, if you suffer from low blood sugar quite often, remember to take some walnuts, almonds or pistachios with you when traveling or when in the office.

Flaxseeds are full of healthy fats and protein . They are also a good source of soluble fiber, which helps to slow the digestion process and prevent sudden or rapid glucose hikes. You can find soluble fiber in apples, eggplant, orange, and okra.  

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These foods can help you maintain optimum glucose levels in the blood when eaten on a regular basis. It is important to not go without eating for too many straight hours during a single day.

Safety Considerations

When you need to raise your blood sugar, try to eat simple carbohydrates and sugars that digest fast and can provide you some relief. In such cases, quickly drink a cup of orange juice or soda. You can try any fruit juice for that matter. Eat a few candies or one tablespoon of maple syrup or honey. You can eat a banana or an orange; a few raisins or prunes. When your blood sugar is extremely low, you can eat any sugary food to raise it quickly to avoid complications. Jam, jellies and peanut butter with crackers are good options. Diabetic patients must keep some nuts or snacks with them always.

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