Healthy Snacks to Have During International Travel

Healthy Snacks to Have During International Travel

Your health is in your hands. And perhaps never more so than when you are traveling. Have you ever experienced diarrhea while traveling to a new place, or faced constipation? Blame it on your eating habits. When you travel, you tend to lose control of your eating behavior and thereby end up eating a lot of stuff that is not great for your health.

But you might argue that when you travel, you really don’t have much of a choice as to what you can eat. Well, the truth is that you don’t have a complete choice when it comes to what you can eat. You certainly have some choice – for instance, a choice over what snacks to have! Most of the extra calories we gain are through snacking. If you are not careful, you will end up gorging on a lot of unhealthy snacks while traveling .

Well, you probably can’t get rid of the snacking habit, even when you’re on the move. And nor do you need to, as long as you stick to these healthy snacks:

Fruit salad
Here is one simple yet highly nutritious snack that you can eat during international travel. You have a wide range of options for ingredients – banana, guava, pomegranate, papaya, orange, and strawberries. Apples are not preferred as they tend to turn brown after some time. A fruit salad has high nutritional value , as it contains loads of vitamins and minerals. It’s a great snack for someone conscious of those extra pounds that show up on the weighing scale.

Vegetable salad
Similar to the fruit salad, vegetable salad is a healthy snack option that you can’t ignore. Rich in vitamins and minerals, vegetable salads also provide with a lot of fiber, that helps prevent constipation. Most hotels have a salad counter, so this is easily accessible. Please be on the lookout for anything in the salad that you are allergic to or any exotic vegetable that might not be aware of. Alternatively, you can buy the vegetables from any mart, make it at home and carry while traveling. But remember that there’s a limit (usually a day) to how long you can carry and store these salads before they go stale.

If you’re going to be traveling for days on end, then carry nuts with you. They have a longer shelf life, and can be obtained easily from stores. Either you can carry a single type of nuts, or you can carry an assorted box of nuts.

Here are few examples of nuts:

  • Peanuts (roasted)
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Cashew nuts

They provide a lot of energy and give you a feeling of being full quickly.

Hard boiled eggs
If you are traveling to a destination for a sport like skiing, hiking or trekking, then hard boiled eggs are the best. With a balanced nutritional value, it offers proteins , fats, and loads of calories. It also helps to satisfy your appetite, and ward off hunger for a longer time. This snack is also easy to prepare. Just boil the eggs beforehand, and break the shell when you are ready to eat them.

Protein bars
Another excellent source of protein, protein bars are something that you must always have in your luggage. They have a good shelf life and are available in the market. All you have to do is visit your grocery store and grab a few bars, to put them in your bag. When your body starts asking for proteins, don’t stock up on empty calories – rather gobble these protein bars.

Popcorn without butter, and cooked over the stove or microwave, is an excellent snack. It is devoid of unhealthy content. So do carry a pack of popcorn to munch on while traveling.

Sandwiches are great snacks that you can have virtually any time. The real challenge is in getting them fresh. You can make a sandwich before leaving for sightseeing, or grab the healthiest sandwich at any coffee shop, kiosks or sandwich-outlet. And what’s more, sandwiches are a pretty wallet-friendly option.

One final suggestion – always carry dark chocolate with you . They are super friendly to your taste buds! With an infinity of great options, there really can’t be an end to this list. Whether you have the snacks mentioned above, or any other snacks, always ensure that you eat healthy while traveling!