Hormones and Weight Loss Resistance

Hormones and Weight Loss Resistance

Have you been struggling with excess weight all your life? Or have you been hit with a surge of extra weight and want to lose it? Being overweight has a lot to do with your lifestyle, diet and underlying health conditions; and while it seems easy enough to shed the extra calories, sometimes it isn’t as simple. For some, weight gain has nothing to do with excess calories or the lack of exercise, but with a hormone imbalance. So if you’ve been struggling to lose weight for a while, it’s probably because of what is called Weight Loss Resistance, as a result of hormonal imbalance.

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The most common causes of Weight Loss Resistance include:

Hormonal Imbalance
Once you cross the age of 35, your estrogen and progesterone levels may begin to go out of control, causing what is known as estrogen dominance. If your body has a higher estrogen level in comparison to progesterone, you can gain weight easily; and the most common symptom of this is seen around your middle – your hips, tummy, and buttocks. In addition, too much estrogen may even lead to infertility; to counter this, your body clings on to excess fat creating weight loss resistance.

Thyroid Imbalance
Thyroid is known as the cause of weight gain as the hormone levels decrease; beta-endorphins, leptin, and serotonin begin to mix together and cause a change in your food intake, which then leads to sugar cravings, hunger pangs, decreased energy, mood swings and ultimately, weight gain.

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Adrenaline Imbalance 
Stress is a major factor inhibiting to weight loss; when your brain receives urgent signals, your adrenal gland secrets quick energy in the form of adrenaline and cortisol to combat the ‘fight or flight’ moments. Cortisol is responsible for leading to fat storage, especially around your middle age. It is also said to cause addiction to sugary foods; so you feel hungry and binge on food.

Insulin Resistance 
Insulin is the hormone responsible for maintaining normal blood glucose levels in your body. Insulin breaks down the food into glucose, which travels through body cells, giving your body energy to function. When insulin resistance occurs, your cells cannot absorb the extra glucose that your body keeps generating once you eat, and your liver converts this glucose into fat – causing weight gain, obesity and eventually, type 2 Diabetes.

There are several weight-loss resistance factors, and some are toxic inflammatory and digestive imbalances. It is important to understand your body first to know how to manage weight loss resistance.

Here are some steps that can help with controlling weight loss resistance.

Follow a hormone-balancing diet
Eat food low in sugar and unsaturated fats, swap it with foods high in fiber and good fats, which will help in balancing your hormone levels and regulate proper body weight.

Boost your metabolism
Exercise helps to boost your metabolism . A good night’s sleep can do wonders for your metabolism. Add a cup of green tea, or tea with honey, chamomile or herbs to your nightly routine for added benefits. Weight-loss resistance supplements are also available today, but it’s better to consult your doctor first.

Stock-up on fiber
Adding fiber to your diet not only eliminates toxins but also helps to regulate good fats in the body and eliminate weight loss resistance. Ground flaxseeds are an excellent example. Add two tablespoons a day to your food, either with soups, salads or shakes. Flaxseeds also help to regulate your bowel movement; constipation is bad for hormones. A combination of probiotics, flaxseeds and Vitamin C will be extremely helpful.

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Limit alcohol intake
Excessive alcohol consumption leads to kidney and liver dysfunction and increases the risk of hormonal imbalance and weight loss resistance.

Increase your movement
Add some movement to your life. Even if you’re unable to exercise, just get up and walk for a few minutes at regular intervals. Try to jog or run lightly in the mornings, and if nothing works, just do some light exercise which will enable you to lose weight and aid in muscle build-up.

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