How To Avoid Getting Dehydrated On A Flight

How To Avoid Getting Dehydrated On A Flight

Taking a flight is the fastest and most convenient way to travel great distances. But air travel is not without its drawbacks. Due to the low amount of air and humidity inside the cabin, air passengers frequently face a number of issues – dehydration being one of the common ones.

Getting dehydrated while flying has made many passengers sick during and after the journey. The reason for this is that the average humidity in a room, or indoor area, is around 30 to 65%, whereas the cabin’s humidity is no more than 20%. This, along with the persistent cold temperature, takes moisture away from the body.

Needless to say, you’ll want to know how to avoid getting dehydrated while flying. So read on for ten points you need to keep in mind:

  • Water is a necessity: The easiest way to combat dehydration is quite obvious – have water ! Or alternatively, have juices which contain a lot of water. Drink water at least every half-hour, and drink in small quantities so that you don’t feel full at one go. You should not wait until you feel thirsty to drink water. Try to drink a minimum of 250 ml of water in an hour while traveling on a flight.
  • Supplements for staying hydrated: There are dehydration drinks or supplements which can keep you hydrated for long hours while you’re on a plane. Obviously, water is the primary source of hydration. But it doesn’t provide you with the energy and the electrolytes that you would require when you are in a place with low humidity levels. These supplements come in the form of powder or liquid, which you can just add to your glass or bottle of water.
  • Avoid diuretic drinks and the salty foods: While traveling on a flight, you might be tempted to try out the alcoholic beverages and salty snacks; but these are the things which can make you more dehydrated, cause severe stomach issues as well. It is also advisable to drink coffee or tea before boarding the flight and to limit your consumption of these dehydrating liquids while on the flight.
  • Eye drops are a must: With the inside humidity of the flight cabin less than 20 percent, your eyes are bound to dry, and you might also feel itchiness in them. This is due to the loss of moisture from the eyes, owing to the cold temperature and low humidity. You must carry a suitable eye drop for your eyes whenever traveling on a flight for a longer duration. If you wear contact lenses, always bring along your eye drops, as prescribed by your doctor. This dryness and itching may cause severe damage to the eyes if you frequently travel by air without taking care of your eyes.
  • Moisturizer: If you are on a flight for several hours, you should apply some moisturizer on your skin, in order to prevent it from becoming dry. The low humidity, in addition to affecting your internal organs, also adversely affects your skin.
  • Keep your hands clean : Always try to maintain good hygiene on a flight. Wash your hands and face while having food, and afterwards as well. It will help in the reduction of bacteria and germ formation, both of which are otherwise prevalent in low humidity conditions, and will also keep you rejuvenated.
  • Spray for your face: Keep a fragrant water soluble spray handy to drizzle on your face frequently, so that your face doesn’t become dry. It will help in keeping the moisture intact, as well as provide freshness to the face and skin.
  • Asthma: People with breathing problems and asthma , are the ones who to be the most careful about hydration while flying. The main issue they face is the low pressure in the flight cabin. If you have breathing problem or asthma, always carry your inhaler in your wallet or hand luggage, so that it is easily accessible to you during the flight.
  • Inhale moisture: Take wet wipes or a handkerchief, place it over your mouth and nose, and breathe through it to take more moisture inside.
  • Jetlag: Dehydration is the biggest problem you face if you have jet lag . So if you’re taking a flight that is long enough for jet lag to be a concern, then be doubly sure to take all the necessary precautions against dehydration that have been discussed above.

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