How to Calculate Calories and Grams

How to Calculate Calories and Grams

Being able to calculate the calories and grams in food is an important aspect of many diets. Many diets tell you to eat 40% protein or 15% fat, but what does that mean in terms of real food? Below is a guide to help you figure how many calories and grams of each food groups you should be eating.

Recommended Read:  Recommended Meal Plan for Daily Calorie Intake (Women 50 – 55)

How To Calculate Calories Based On Grams

If a 5’9 healthy female is eating 1600 calories and following the paleo diet with 60 % of daily calorie intake from fats, 30 % of daily intake from protein, and 10% daily intake of carbs.

1 gram of fat = 9 calories

1 gram of protein= 4 calories

1 gram carbs= 4 calories

Take the daily calories (1600) divided by 100= and you get 16

To find the amount of calories needed from fat

  • 16x 60 (the amount of fat per day) = 960 calories

To find the amount of calories needed from protein

  • 16x 30 (the amount of protein per day)= 480 calories

To find the amount of calories needed from carbs

  • 16x 10 (the amount of carbs per day)= 160 calories

How To Calculate The Number Of Grams Needed For The Same Person

Take the number of calories needed from fat (960) and divide that by the number of calories 1 gram of fat totals (9)

  • 960 divided by 9 =106 grams of fat per day

Take the number of calories needed from protein (480) and divide that by the number of calories 1 gram of protein totals (4)

  • 480 divided by 4 =120 grams of protein per day

Take the number of calories needed from carbs (160) and divide that by the number of calories 1 gram of carbs totals (4)

  • 160 divided by 9 =40 grams of carbs per day