How to Check for Bedbugs in Budget Hotels

How to Check for Bedbugs in Budget Hotels

Bed Bugs hide in the darkest corners of a room and in your beds. For those who travel often and stay in budget hotels, bedbugs can cause problems, not just in your hotel room, but even when you get home, as they get onto your bags. They can leave behind itchy bite marks. But the good part is that they do not carry any contagious diseases. Budget hotels, hostels, and even upscale hotels can have bedbugs.

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When you check-in at a hotel, bed bugs should be the first thing you should check for
Follow the below-mentioned steps for a bedbug-free stay:

  • Head straight to the washroom: Keep your baggage in the bathroom, as bed bugs don’t like the tile floors and there aren’t many hiding places.
  •  Inspect the bed: Bed Bugs may leave their signs in the form of blood marks and black dots that look like ground pepper on linens. Check near the seams and look out for small apple-seed like insects. Check the corners and the headboard as well.
  •  Check the room: Check the sofas, chairs and throw pillows. As mentioned before, check the seams and creases as bed bugs are not easy to spot.
  • Check the furniture: Now check other furniture like the closet, nightstand, table lamps etc. Other places include the drawer seal and the corners of the nightstand. Ensure you check all the joints and corners of the closet.
  • Keep luggage off the ground: Check where the wall meets the carpeting or the floorboard, as that is another potential area where they might be found. Think of all the places where you might find cobwebs; you might find bedbugs too.
  • Wrap suitcases in plastic: Remember, bedbugs can travel from room to room. Hence, the best practice is to never leave clothes lying around. You must always keep your bags on top of a dresser, tables or luggage racks. The best option possible is to keep your bags in a plastic zip bag.

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Sometimes, it may so happen that bed bugs might be seen during your room inspection process. In such cases, inform the hotel staff immediately. If they move you to another room, make sure that room is at least two floors away. Otherwise, you might end up in another room infested with bedbugs.

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