How to Keep Your Kids Safe during Cold Weather

How to Keep Your Kids Safe during Cold Weather

The winter season requires extra care to keep health issues away. When you are a parent, you must take care of your kids in terms of their clothing, food, and safety. Here are some winter tips to keep your kids safe during the cold weather.

Clothing Tips
Your kids should be covered from head to toe in comfortable warm clothing especially when they go outdoors such as thick socks, mittens, scarves, and hats. Your kid would require mittens and a hat inside your house, depending on the weather in your area. For extreme weather conditions, ensure that your kids also use a thermal underwear and sock liners over their sweaters, jackets or coats when they go out of home. When your kid is playing outside with snow, ensure they wear waterproof jackets and sturdy boots.

Recommended Read:  Winter Essentials for Your Grade Schooler

Skin Safety Tips
Sunscreens are extremely important for the winter season. It helps to keep the skin protected from sunburns during the cold months. Make sure to use creams and moisturizers especially-formulated for cold weathers. For kids, you can restrict their bath time; to 2-3 times a week and ensure you apply moisturizer to your child’s skin after a sponge bath with warm water.

Outdoor Winter Safety Tips
Winter is also the time for skiing and other fun activities. When your child is ice skating, wrist guards can provide extra protection when they fall down. Ensure that your kids even wear helmets when they indulge in outdoor sports.

Nutrition Tips
During winters, nutritional tips include extra consumption of vegetables such as sweet potatoes , carrots, and pumpkin for rich fibers and beta-carotene in these vegetables can help keep flu away.
Make sure your kids eat food filled with vitamin c such as Tomatoes, beans, cauliflower, and strawberries, which will protect them against cold infections. Even make sure your kids get plenty of vitamin D during winters such as eggs, dairy and oily fish like tuna and salmon .

Some More Winter Weather Safety Tips
When your child is outdoors, they can be susceptible to frostbites. If you see your kid’s skin turning red or blue, immediately get indoors and use blankets to normalize their body temperature. If your kids fall sick, ensure that they take good care of themselves. You must ensure your child must wash their hands with soap before eating and close their mouth when they sneeze.
Be careful when you travel by road during extreme weather conditions and always keep extra gas in your car for emergencies. Also store blankets, common medicines, water and food in your family car during winter to be ready for any emergency situations such as storms or roadblocks.

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