How to Stay Healthy on a Road Trip

How to Stay Healthy on a Road Trip

Love road trips? You just pack your bags, take your bike or car and travel long distances. You love to explore new places and wander into the unknown. You love the uncertainty of these adventures. And you know all too well that one thing that bothers you on long road trips is your health.

There are some diseases unique to those who go on road trips, like travelers’ diarrhoea – which upsets your gut during a road trip, spoiling the entire joy of the ride.

All this is leading up to one big question – How do you stay healthy on a road trip?

If you have been bogged down by this question, then you’ve come to the right place We have picked out few snacks that you can take on a road trip. These snacks are both nutritious and healthy, and keep in mind what an average American would require on any day. The key is to eat less, but feel more energetic and full.

  • Protein bars
    First up on our list is protein bars. Easy to buy and consume while driving, protein bars can help you ward off hunger for a long time. We suggest that you take bars that are lower in sugar content and more abundant in nuts and seeds. Isolated soy protein bars should be avoided.
  • Peanut butter whole wheat bread sandwich
    The name is self-explanatory. Whole wheat supplies you with necessary carbohydrates while peanut butter offers fat and protein. Taking two slices of peanut butter sandwich along the way will help you stay energetic for a long time.
  • Hard-boiled eggs
    One of the best sources of protein, and easy to prepare and carry, hard-boiled eggs will supply you with loads of protein to extinguish those hunger pangs. If you want to make it more nutritious, you can mix them with whole wheat crackers.
  • Nuts and fruits with Greek yogurt
    If you are looking for more nutritious options rich in vitamins and proteins, then try preparing a dish with Greek yogurt mixed with nuts and fruits. A highly nutritious snack, it will also help you satiate your taste buds.
  • Popcorn
    Do you love munching? Then you must carry popcorn with you. To make it nutritious and rich in fiber, try preparing the popcorn on a stove.
  • Carrot and cucumber
    Talking about munching, if you are bothered about calorie intake, then try this combination of carrot sticks and cucumber. Add a pinch of salt and ground pepper for flavor. Do not take too much pepper, as it will increase the motility of the gut.
  • Beef jerky
    Looking for more protein rich foods? Then grab beef jerky from the stores to eat along the way. They are store houses of protein, that quell hunger.
  • Hummus
    Another protein rich food, and one perfect for vegetarians, hummus is also rich in vitamins such as vitamin B. So be sure to keep some hummus handy on your next road trip.
  • Sunflower seeds
    Talking about nutrition, the conversation is incomplete without the inclusion of fats, by which we mean healthy fats. Carry some sunflower seeds to give you these healthy fats.
  • Vegetable salad
    If you are looking for specific nutrition rich in vitamins and essential nutrients, then try these salads. Choose your favorite vegetables that can be consumed raw and chop them. Add seasoning if you want to. These salads are rich in fiber too.
  • Fruit salad
    Fruits are the best option if you are concerned about health and fitness. Get your favorite fruits and prepare a salad out of them.
  • Cookies
    Here you go! If your taste buds are healthy and need something tasty, then eat cookies. Dark chocolate cookies can be very healthy and can save the guilt too.

So the next time you are planning a road trip, consider all these options. Pick four to five of them for a healthy road trip, and make it a memorable one.