How to Stay Safe While Camping

How to Stay Safe While Camping

Camping is a recreational activity that is a great way to unleash your adventurous side. It is an adventure which you can either embark on solo, or with your friends and family. It goes without saying that camping memories last a lifetime, as they involve some enthralling times – like living in the woods, sleeping under the scintillating stars, preparing a meal amidst the woods with natural supplies, etc. But as you advance into the wilderness, there are many challenges that are to be faced. To ensure the safety of yourself, and your loved ones, while you are out camping, here are a few tips you should keep in mind

Learn about your destination
Having a thorough idea about your destination will always come handy. Research the area where you are planning to set up camp. If you are planning to go for a hiking trail, then check the routes to ensure that they are safe for kids, or other family members accompanying you. To be on the safe side, one should check the weather before starting off, and make sure that it is conducive to a safe camping experience. Carry whatever you need to stay safe and comfortable, in the event of any adverse weather conditions that you anticipate.

Gear up right
To have a safe and secure camping trip, make sure that your camping gear and amenities are full proof.  Ensure that nothing is broken, or expired. Carry all the tools necessary to fix things, if something goes wrong. It’s important to have sleeping bags, as they protect you from the cold weather, and also the insects and wasps around the area.  It is advisable to carry an extra mosquito net.  Carry food in Ziploc bags. For hygiene reasons, it’s preferable to carry foods which can be preserved, and which do not rot easily. You should have proper lighting equipment and sanitary products.  Also, carry your own water.

Abiding by the weather of your campsite, carry clothes which are appropriate for the climate. To be extra cautious, you can carry clothes which might come handy in case of a sudden change in weather conditions. For protection carry gloves and good shoes, with grips and shades.

First aid safety
One cannot be sure of the wasps and pests which could be surrounding us in our campsites. It is therefore important to carry all necessary medication and ointments to soothe insect bites, as well as antidotes for snake bites. Keep mosquito repellents and sprays to buzz off insects. For kids, carry their basic medicines for cold, cough and sun protection. It is advisable to carry crepe bandages for emergency purposes.

Outdoor safety
Camping safety isn’t all about what you carry and how you execute your camping ideas. To keep yourself out of harm’s way, it would be best to maintain safety outside your camping tent as well. Always keep the fire lighted outside your tent at a safe distance, to keep wild animals from attacking. Maintain contact with the camping ranger or local guides, so that they can assist you in the event of a crisis. Make sure to select the safest spot to pitch your tent at your camping destination.