Teaching Your Kids About Healthy Food Habits

Teaching Your Kids About Healthy Food Habits

It is said that ‘Old habits die hard.’ Habits that are inculcated right from childhood are harder to shake off. This is why it is important to introduce your child to good and healthy food habits, that they will practice their entire life. It’s particularly crucial to imbibe these habits in your children early in their life, given the worldwide obesity epidemic, which usually manifests itself during childhood.

Providing nutritious food to children is as basic as providing them with good education and the comforts of life. Unfortunately, a comfortable life much too often comes with the drawbacks of unhealthy eating practices – like eating out frequently, having too many take-out dinners, and snacking on junk food. As a result, parents find it difficult to ensure that their kids eat healthy. However, you can change your lifestyle for the better, by introducing healthy food choices in your home.

What are healthy foods for kids?
A healthy diet provides all the nutrition needed for the physical and mental development of children. Nutritious and healthy food choices for children are not very different from those required by adults. Children need:

  • Proteins – From dairy and meat; to build the body’s cells and to ensure the efficient functioning of the body.
  • Carbohydrates – From good carb sources like whole grains, bread and pasta; to supply the child’s body with energy.
  • Fats – From vegetable oils, fish and nuts; to utilize the nutrients in the body to provide energy.
  • Calcium – From milk, yogurt and green vegetables; to develop healthy bones and teeth.
  • Iron – From beans, nuts, poultry and shellfish; to carry oxygen to the cells for ensuring the growth of the body.
  • Fiber – From vegetables, lentils and beans; to add fiber improve the digestive system.
  • Vitamins – From fresh fruits and vegetables; to improve eyesight, boost immunity and strengthen the body.

A natural and wholesome diet will help with the growth of your child. Your focus should be on including all these food groups in your child’s daily diet.

How to teach children to make healthy food choices?
The tough part is talking to your child about making healthy food choices. Here are some effective ways to teach your children about making healthy food choices:

  • Become a role model: Children look up to their parents and imitate their actions. Your kids are not going to eat their green vegetables if you don’t eat them! This is the crucial stage in your life where you need to set the right example for your children. Once you start eating and cooking healthy food at home, it soon becomes a family tradition for your child.
  • Involve them in the process:  Time-strapped parents often find cooking and meal times to be a chore. If possible, ensure that you can include your kids in the meal times every day by letting them make simple foods like a salad, or by letting them help you set the table. If it is not possible to do this every day, make sure you do this as a weekend habit, at least. Children will accept changes when they get involved in it. Children should recognize that cooking is an essential life skill, and it is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Take them grocery shopping: You might often avoid taking your kids to the supermarket because you end up with more junk food than usual. While they will still pick up their treats, you can teach them about the various foods available and help them pick up the healthy foods. It is necessary for children to make those choices themselves.
  • Teach them about food groups and nutrition:   Today you have a wealth of apps and books which are focused on teaching children about healthy eating habits. Teach them about the various food groups and nutrients through these fun games and apps. Make them realize the importance of a healthy body and how it can help them with their aspirations. For instance, you can explain to your son how a fit body is necessary to become a football player. Also, explain to your children how nutrition labels are read.
  • Talk about the origin of foods:   You cannot expect your child only to make healthy food choices all the time. There are a lot of companies which market to children and tempt them into choosing high-calorie foods and highly processed foods. Talk to the children about where the food comes from, and that natural options are healthier. For example, an apple comes from a tree, a carrot comes from the ground up, and milk comes from a cow. But frozen pizza comes from a factory through a process! Teach them about how processed foods are not good for their body.
  • Encourage a healthy relationship with food:  Several kids are admonished by their parents during childhood for eating too much or too less. This has an impact on them and leads to diseases like anorexia or bulimia during adolescence and adulthood. Let your children know that food is a natural part of their lives, and that they can indulge themselves, but in moderation with the right portion sizes!

Remember that this change is not going to happen overnight. You have to be consistent with your efforts in order to be successful in building a healthy lifestyle for your children and you.