How to Train Like a Baseball Player

How to Train Like a Baseball Player

To be a baseball player, there are many physical qualities required such as anaerobic power, anaerobic capacity, and to a lesser degree, aerobic capacity. Baseball training should consist of methods to improve these qualities. The workout routines followed by the baseball player focus on the qualities and the power required for the sport. Remember, the best baseball players aren’t always the most talented ones. Many a times, an average player with greater determination and a proper workout can excel as well. Your baseball training program should include sport-specific exercises combined together to enhance overall performance and body strength .

The following are the best workout routines for baseball players focusing on the strength needed for hitting and pitching the ball right. Whether you are a baseball player or not, you can use these workouts to enhance your physical capabilities and achieve a whole new level of fitness!

Baseball Workouts for Hitting

Plank Hold

This exercise is great for anti-extension core strength and stability which makes it the best exercise for power hitting.
Put your forearms down and raise your hips up. Hold the position.

Half Kneeling Pallof Hold

This targets the anti-rotary components of the core .
Loop a band around a stable equipment or pole, kneel on one knee perpendicular to the ground, stretch and lock the band out in front of your chest and hold.

Glute Bridge ISO Hold

This exercise targets your glutes and your lower back muscles and makes them stronger. Lie flat on your back, raise your hips up and squeeze your glutes. Hold the position.

Med Ball Scoop Toss

Stand perpendicular to a wall and hold a med ball at your waistline. Rotate your back slightly to load the hips, then push forward and deliver the med ball.

Med Ball Shot Put

Again, stand perpendicular to a wall, holding a med ball at shoulder height with your elbows up. Rotate your back slightly to load your hips, then explode forward and deliver the med ball.

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Baseball Workouts for Pitchers

Do the in-season workout once per week 3×15-20 sets each and rest is 30 seconds between sets.

Close-Grip Bench Press

This exercise trains the chest, shoulders , and triceps . Grab the bar (make sure it has a width narrower than your shoulder-width). Lower the bar to your chest. Press the bar upward until your arms are fully stretched.

Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Rows

Hold the dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your upper body low until it is parallel to the ground. Bring both palms toward each other. Pull the dumbbells toward the sides of your body at stomach level. Bring it down and repeat.

Close-Grip Supine Pull-ups

This exercise strengthens the upper back, shoulders, and biceps. Hold the pull-up bar, narrower than the width of the shoulders, keeping your palms facing yourself. Lower yourself but do not touch the ground. Now, pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar.

Kettlebell Press

Hold the kettle bell in the right hand while standing straight. Bring the bell to your shoulder resting against your forearm and shoulder. Press the kettle bell over your head, slightly behind your body. Bring it down.
Alternate the exercise with your other hand.

Off-season Baseball Workouts

These are few off-season baseball workouts at home which will enhance the Strength, speed, explosiveness, agility, and mobility.

Single Leg Deadlift

To perform this exercise you need to keep your back straight and squeeze your glutes while getting up. Holding the kettlebell, stand on a single leg. Keeping that knee slightly bent, do a deadlift by bending at the hip; stretching your free leg behind you for balance. Keep lowering the kettle bell until you are parallel to the ground. Now, return to the standing position. It simply strengthens your core muscles .

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Single Leg Squat

Stand with arms stretched out in front of you. Balance on one leg with the opposite leg stretched straight. Now, squat down while keeping the leg raised off the floor. This basically works on hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and calves.

Prisoners Squat

Stand with your feet apart and place your hands on the back of your head, pulling your elbows. Lower your body as far as you can and bending at the knees, keeping your torso upright and your core tight. Return to the standing position. This simple exercise trains your glutes, core/ lower back especially, hamstring and quads.

Scapula Push-ups

Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath the shoulders and toes touching the ground. Align your body with the rest of your spine. Keeping your arms stretched; pinch your shoulder blades together. Pull in and out your shoulder blades, keeping your body low a bit. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Release and return to a high plank position.

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