How to Wean Off Sugar

How to Wean Off Sugar

The epidemic of obesity and other cardiovascular diseases were initially blamed on fat. But research points out that the actual culprit is not fat, but sugar. Our bodies require fuel, that is mainly provided by carbohydrates. These carbs need not be provided by consuming sweets. Your body doesn’t need these sugars for nutrition. Rather, it is addicted to it. Just like nicotine, sugar is an addictive substance.

Why is it sugar, and not fat, that we need to cut down?
Sweets supply empty calories that are devoid of nutrition. These empty calories, when not utilized for energy, get stored in the form of fat in our bodies. This is the secret behind those pot bellies, love handles, and paunches. The actual problem is not just the intake of sugars, but inactivity on our part, which leads to a failure in breaking down the sugars. So, the simplest way to burn that extra fat is to cut down on sugars.

What is weaning?
The concept behind weaning can be understood easily by seeing how a baby is weaned off mother’s milk. The baby is exclusively breastfed for few months and then slowly introduced to other foods while breastfeeding is reduced slowly. This is exactly how you need to wean off from sugars, without upsetting the apple cart of your inner biological program. Since you have a hidden addiction to sugars, cutting down sugars completely would lead to irritability, headaches, and craving. So what would be the best way? Weaning off sugar that is gradual and consistent.

Strong motivation to wean off
Develop a strong motivation to wean off. If you are trying to wean off half heartedly, you will not only return to eating sugars but actually end up eating much more than you were before. So how do you motivate yourself? Start reading or hearing of weight loss stories after weaning off sugar. The internet is full of those. And read expert advice and the benefits of cutting down sugar. You can even look at a ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture of any person who has successfully weaned off sugar and has got into shape, in order to get motivated.

Do not binge for one last time
People, before starting on diets, have a tendency to binge for one last time. But this doesn’t help in cutting down sugar, because suddenly stopping sugar after a heavy load will lead to irritability, and increased craving. So do not binge for one last time as if you are going to settle down on Mars the next day. You are always here, and anytime you feel tempted to eat sweets, you can have small portions of it.

Detox for 3 days & 3 nights
Start with a detox for 3 days and 3 nights if you can. If it’s not possible for you to go for a 24-hour detox, then go for a 24-hour water fast, or drink herbal juices alone. This would help you to reprogram yourself to the new order of life with less sugar.

Cut down on all artificial sweetening agents
Empty your refrigerator of foods that have sugars in any form (dextrose, sucrose, fructose, etc.). Look for the sugary ingredients in your favorite snack, and consciously avoid them.

Cut down on all beverages
If you are someone who drinks a lot of beverages, then you must sacrifice them and drink lots of water instead. Beverages contain sugar that offers you a load of empty calories.

Stop feeding your sweet tooth
The biggest culprit is your sweet tooth. Next time when you feel like eating something sweet, take a firm a step, be assertive and say no to your sweet tooth.

Replace with natural sugars
Stop taking in artificial sugars, and replace them with fruits. This will help you reduce your cravings while saving you from those empty calories.

As with any diet program, weaning off sugar involves the possibility of failures and relapses. You just have to pick yourself up again and keep working on the diet till you reach your goal.