Low-key Detox Tactics

Low-key Detox Tactics

Detox health benefits

Detoxing is something your body does naturally on a daily basis. This may come as a surprise- after all, we’re constantly being told that we need teas and diets to “detox”. Think of it this way- we’re exposed to many harmful toxins in daily life, and to be able to properly cleanse these toxins from our bodies, we must have healthy organs and well-functioning bodily processes. Therefore, the detox tactics you really need are the ones that actually support these processes and help your organs function well.

Our organs are responsible for getting rid of toxins in our bodies. For example, the liver removes toxic substances we ingest, the kidneys filter toxic waste and excess water from our blood, our lungs filter carbon dioxide from the air we breathe, and our skin acts as a defensive barrier against toxic substances.

So, here are some simple, low-key tactics to keep your body properly detoxing:

Liver cleanse diet
Your liver works hard and performs literally hundreds of different functions. If it gets overwhelmed, however, you definitely won’t be feeling your best! A liver cleanse diet will lighten up your liver’s load, giving it less junk to filter out and more space to heal your body. When detoxing the liver, drink plenty of water , avoid alcohol and caffeine, and cut down on processed foods. Instead, opt for fresh, organic foods, including leafy greens, healthy fats, and potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Also, include high-fibre foods at meals, as fibre binds to toxins and allows them to be expelled through the digestive system.

Liquid cleanses
The idea behind liquid cleanses is to temporarily give the body a break from having to work hard at digestion. Liquids get digested quickly and easily- whilst still providing the body with plenty of nutrients. While a juice cleansing diet might consist purely of fruit and vegetable juices , a liquid cleanse might also include pureed soup, smoothies, miso, and healthy oils. Do be aware that such cleanses shouldn’t be used as a weight-loss tool, as you need to be getting enough calories and nutrients in your diet if you opt for a liquid cleanse.

Skin cleanses
We’ve already mentioned how the skin- your body’s largest organ- plays an important role in blocking and eliminating toxins. So, it makes sense that you need to take care of it! One tactic is to use a natural bristle brush to massage your skin for 5-10 minutes before you jump in the shower. This helps with blood circulation and in keeping the skin healthy. Drinking plenty of water and eating a diet high in vitamins C and E, selenium, zinc and omega 3 , can also assist in having healthy, glowing skin that does its job well.

It’s no secret that exercise is good for you, but you might not think of it being directly related to the detox process. Think about what happens when you work out: you end up huffing and puffing and sweating! Your lungs are working extra hard, and your skin is in overdrive and is excreting toxins through your pores in the form of sweat. So, next time you’re sweating it out in the gym, know that you’re also helping your body cleanse itself.

The body-mind connection is undeniable. This is why meditation is an incredibly useful tool. A cleansed mind is the pathway to a healthy body. The biggest factor in this is stress, since stress negatively impacts the body and interferes with its processes. Regular meditation can help to manage or reduce stress, leading to a healthier body and mind.