Mistakes to Avoid While Brushing Your Teeth

Mistakes to Avoid While Brushing Your Teeth

You must maintain proper oral hygiene for your dental health. Here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid making any mistake while brushing your teeth.

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Brushing teeth at the correct angle

The most common practice while brushing your teeth is to go from left to right. It is not only an improper brushing technique but can also cause harm to your teeth. In addition to using circular motions, one should hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees. Also, remember to brush along the gum line.

Replacing your toothbrush on time

The average life of a toothbrush is about three months. With every use, it suffers from wear and tear and becomes less effective in removing food particles, plaque, etc. With prolonged use, bacteria can develop on the bristles, thereby causing your teeth more harm than good. The key to avoiding making these mistakes is to remember to not use your toothbrush more than 200 times.

Going easy

One of the biggest mistakes you make brushing your teeth is to brush too hard. Most of you assume that the harder you brush your teeth, the cleaner they will be. Not only is this assumption wrong, but grossly harmful to your teeth. This can lead to loss of enamel and also cause problems in your gums. Do not try to scrub your teeth clean; instead massage away the plaque and food particles.

Not rushing

A lot of people spend too little time brushing their teeth and while they do brush twice a day, they still make these toothbrushing mistakes of not brushing long enough and properly. Once in a while, rushing through is fine, but do not make a regular practice out of it. Spend at least two minutes every time you brush your teeth. An easy way to ensure you brush long enough is to use your cell phone to set a timer.

Using the right bristles

The shape or arrangement of the bristles of your toothbrush does not matter much. But yes, the softness of the bristles is important. Do not go for a brush that has hard bristles. Softer bristles are just as effective in removing plaque. Go for one with a head that you find comfortable and has soft bristles.

Remember to floss

You can learn about how to brush your teeth and the right techniques, but it must be complemented with regular flossing.

Recommended Read:  All You Need to Know about Flossing

Clean your tongue

Scraping your tongue will discourage harmful bacteria to develop and will also get rid of any residual bacteria; and the added advantage of fresh breath. You can get a good tongue cleaner or can use the one that comes attached to the toothbrush.

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