Pigmentation: Causes and Remedies

Pigmentation: Causes and Remedies

Soft and radiant skin is the dream of every woman. It acts like a mirror to your body and highlights everything that the body is going through, both good and bad! With age and lifestyle issues, your skin undergoes a lot of wear and tear affecting its appearance. One of the most common issues that women face is pigmentation. The skin has melanocyte cells that produce the skin pigment melanin, which gives the skin its color. Sometimes the production of this pigment increases, leading to uneven and dark patches of skin. This is known as pigmentation.Soft and radiant skin is the dream of every woman. It acts like a mirror to your body and highlights everything that the body is going through, both good and bad! With age and lifestyle issues, your skin undergoes a lot of wear and tear affecting its appearance. One of the most common issues that women face is pigmentation. The skin has melanocyte cells that produce the skin pigment melanin, which gives the skin its color. Sometimes the production of this pigment increases, leading to uneven and dark patches of skin. This is known as pigmentation.

What are the causes of pigmentation on the skin?

  • Inflammation by sunlight: Excessive exposure to sunlight causes pigmentation. The UV rays cause the cells to increase melanin production unevenly.·
  • Allergies: Allergic reactions leave the skin vulnerable and cause inflammation. Even after the allergy is gone the hyperpigmentation remains for a long time.·
  • Hormones: Hormonal change is an important factor for pigmentation. Many times pigmentation is observed after use of birth control pills or pregnancy, due to imbalance of estrogen and progesterone.·
  • Genetic:  Hyperpigmentation often occurs in those who have darker skin types, especially ethnicities like Asian, African, and Mediterranean. If your parents suffer from hyper pigmentation, it is likely that you will face the same.·
  • Chemicals from products: Several personal hygiene products contain chemicals that can cause pigmentation. These irritate the skin and cause overproduction of melanin.

Is there a cure for skin pigmentation?
Pigmentation can definitely be treated. It is important to note that it is not just a beauty problem, but rather, a clinical issue. Apart from the above-mentioned causes, certain topical pigmentation is also caused by underlying illness like cancer. This is why you should definitely consult a dermatologist or skin specialist to treat pigmentation. A beauty expert might not be able to analyze the issue correctly. Here are some remedies that doctors recommend, depending on the type of pigmentation –

  • Prescription creams: Several OTC creams advertise themselves as preventing and treating pigmentation. It is important to note the chemicals that are used in the cream, as well as their concentration. Most such creams contain retinol and hydroquinone to treat pigmentation. However excessive concentrations of the chemicals can, in fact, increase pigmentation!
  • Micro Dermabrasion: This is the latest trend in beauty treatments, and you will often see celebrity magazines mention this treatment. Micro dermabrasion involves the scraping of the skin with tiny crystals. As the name suggests, it creates microscopic abrasions in the skin to remove the pigmentation. You need to get this treatment done from a board certified skin specialist, as excessive abrasion can lead to permanent skin damage.
  • Laser Treatment: Laser treatments are high end and expensive treatments. They need to be undertaken by certified board doctors who specialize in skin treatments. The dark pigments are removed by laser, in 2 – 6 sittings. Although it is a successful method, it requires a long time, and the skin is tender immediately following the treatment.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels include the application of glycolic acid on the skin to peel off the layer of skin. It is a short procedure, and mild peels do not cause any irritation of the skin. However, if the pigmentation is deep and a more intense peel is required, then you can feel some tingling. It is necessary to follow it up with skin creams to protect the skin.
  • Home remedies:  You can use ingredients that are readily available at home to treat light pigmentation in the early stages. You should apply these ingredients directly on the skin patches. Lemon juice, aloe vera gel, cucumber juice, cocoa butter, rose water and vinegar are all ingredients that you can apply on your skin.

Apart from these treatments, the best way to get rid of pigmentation is by preventing it. You should apply sunscreen and wear protective clothing whenever you head outdoors. Always use safe and organic hygiene products that are good for skin health. And always remember to keep your skin hydrated by drinking lots of water !