Pregnancy Glossary for To-be-moms

Pregnancy Glossary for To-be-moms

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in the life of a woman. Intensive care needs to be given to the woman. Not only the mom but also the family needs to know about some of the key terms related to pregnancy. It’s a time when the whole family needs to brush up on their knowledge in order to make sure that proper healthcare can be given to both the mother and the baby in her womb.

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To help with that, here is a glossary of important terms related to pregnancy, which any to-be-mom and her family should be familiar with:

Abortion: It’s the process of termination of a pregnancy by medical removal of the fetus from the uterus.

Abortion, spontaneous:  When the miscarriage of fetus is natural and not an artificially induced one, it’s a spontaneous abortion.

Albumin:  It is the protein which is a test for preeclampsia. It is found in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Alfa fetoprotein:  It’s a substance produced by the fetus. If the mother’s blood contains high levels of it, then it indicates a neural tube disorder or multiple pregnancy.

Afterbirth:  The tissues related to the fetal development are expelled after the childbirth.

Amino acid: A vital content of the protein which is required for the overall development of our bodies.

Amniocentesis:  A test where a small amount of fluid from the amniotic sac is taken out for analysis.

Amniotic fluid:  It’s the fluid that prevents the baby from shocks and jerks. It’s filled inside the amniotic sac.

Amniotic sac:  It’s a bag in which the fetus and the fluid are contained in the uterus during pregnancy.

Anencephaly: It a congenital defect in which the fetus is deprived of brain.

Anesthesia: It’s a medically created numbness in the body or a specific part in order to make the body deprived of any kind of pain.

Anomaly: It’s the malformation or the abnormality of a body part.

Antibiotic: A drug that helps with fighting bacteria. Generally given during any kind of infection.

Antibody: It’s a kind of protein that fights the foreign substances which can be harmful for our body. It’s an integral part of our immune system.

Apgar scoring system: It’s a method of scaling the baby’s health immediately after birth.

Apnea: It’s a temporary and involuntary cessation of breathing.

Areola: The pink and brown part of the area around the nipple of the breast.

Aspirate: It’s the process of suction of fluid inside-out or vice versa from the lungs of an individual using a suction device.

Bilirubin: It’s a yellow color pigment present in the blood urine and bile. It functions as the agent of normal breakdown of the hemoglobin in the RBC’s.

Breech presentation: It’s a kind of fetal position in which feet and buttocks of the baby are closest to the mother’s cervix when the labor pain begins.

Cervix: It’s the lower part of the uterus that extends into the vagina.

Cesarean section: The kind of child delivery in which an infant is taken out of the womb by incision of abdominal and uterine walls.

Chloasma: It’s the discoloration of the skin, mainly face.

Chorionic villi sampling: It’s a kind of parental test that scans for genetic abnormalities.

Chromosomes: It’s a kind of structure containing genes.

Circumcision: It’s the surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis.

Colostrum: It’s the mother’s milk secreted from her breasts before, and a few weeks after, the childbirth.

Congenital: By birth.

Crowning: It’s the situation during labor when the child’s head can be seen at the vagina.

Doppler: It’s a machine used for detection of the child’s heart. The technology used in this machine is ultrasound.

Down syndrome: It’s a genetic defect when the number of chromosomes present in the genes differ from the normal count. It results in a kind of mental disorder.

Early labor: A stage of subsequent contractions for two or more hours and at the same time dilation of cervix takes place up to 15cms.

Eclampsia: It’s the condition of high blood pressure and edema. This is a very serious condition of pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy: It’s a condition when the embryo starts to grow outside the uterus. This kind of pregnancy often takes place in the fallopian tubes.

Edema: It’s a swelling and retention of fluids in body tissues. It’s one of the symptoms of Eclampsia.

Embryo: A fertilized ovum until eight weeks after conception is called an embryo.

Endometriosis: A condition where the tissue lining the uterus grows in the other areas of the body such as abdomen.

Epidural: It’s a kind of local anesthesia used for pain relief during the delivery.

Episiotomy: It’s an incision made around the vagina to ease the final stage of delivery.

Erythroblastosis fetalis: It’s a kind of deficiency of blood in the Rh -ve mother carrying Rh +ve baby.

Fallopian tubes: These are the tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus.

Fetus: The baby after eight weeks until birth in the womb of the mother.

Fetal distress: The problem of inadequate supply of oxygen from the placenta is called fetal distress. It takes place during labor and may require immediate delivery.

Fundus: The upper part of uterus is called fundus.

Gestation period: The complete duration of pregnancy as measured from the last menstrual period.

Gynecologist: A specialist in the female reproductive system. They are the ones’ who performs child delivery.

Hemorrhage: Heavy bleeding. It can be dangerous and harmful for both the mother and the baby.

Hormone: Chemical messengers that are responsible for performing vital functions of the body. These are produced by their respective glands.

Hydrocephalus: Excess fluid deposition in the baby’s skull.

Induced labor: The induction of labor medically using Pitocin or rupturing of fetal membranes.

Internal monitoring: A procedure that may be required during labor. This involves the Fetal Scalp Procedure. A device is placed under the skin of the baby’s scalp in order to monitor baby’s heartbeat.

Kegel exercises: Workout meant for strengthening of the muscles around pelvic diaphragm and pubic area.

Labia: The folds at the opening of the vagina.

Lactation: Production of mother’s milk from her breasts.

Lanugo: Very fine hairs on the body of the baby.

Miscarriage: It’s the spontaneous ending of pregnancy prior to 24 weeks’ gestation.

Mucus plug: It’s the collection of thick mucus in the cervix of the uterus. This mucus is released before the labor begins.

Neonatal: Related to a newborn infant.

Obstetrician: A specialized doctor for pregnancy and childbirth. The care given to a woman is recommended by these doctors.

Ovulation: The process of release of an egg from the ovary.

Oxytocin: It’s a hormone that’s produced during labor to stimulate contractions and milk production.

Pediatrician: A specialist in the field of child care and nutrition.

Pitocin: A synthetic form of oxytocin.

Postpartum: The after birth phase.

Post Term: A pregnancy that lasts more than 42 weeks.

Rh factor: It is a group of antigens that determine whether you have a +ve blood group or a -ve blood group.

Ruptured membranes: The breaking of amniotic membrane is referred to as ruptured membrane.

Shoulder dystocia: When the infant’s shoulder gets stuck on the mother’s pubic bone during delivery.

Sonography: The use of ultrasound to get the image of the fetus.

Stress test: A test used to test the heart, lungs and health of the fetus in a pregnant woman.

Stillbirth: The delivery of a dead fetus after 28 weeks’ development.

Term: It’s the complete period of pregnancy – a term of 40 weeks.

Trimester: One third period of pregnancy.

Transition: The post active labor period when the cervix finishes dilating to 10cms. The contractions are very strong during this phase.

Tubal pregnancy: It’s a kind of ectopic pregnancy in which the fertilized egg starts to develop outside the uterus, inside the fallopian tube.

Transverse: It’s one of the positions of the fetus within the uterus. When the baby is placed horizontally, it’s a transverse. Usually, the fetus will orient himself properly. In a few cases there is a requirement of a C-section if this doesn’t happen automatically.

Umbilical cord: It’s a kind of tube from which the baby gets blood and nutrients from the placenta.

Vacuum extractor: It eases the delivery of an infant by use of a suction cup on the top of an infant’s head. It helps the baby to descend down the birth canal.

VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.

Vernix: It’s a white waxy substance covering the fetus in the uterus.

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