Proteolytic Enzymes All You Need to Know

Proteolytic Enzymes All You Need to Know

The human body requires a lot of enzymes for optimal functioning. And although these enzymes naturally exist in the body, food sources also provide us with various enzymes to aid the various metabolic processes.
Proteolytic enzymes is one such enzyme that helps to process protein in the digestive tract, among a variety of other functions.

So What Exactly is Proteolytic Enzymes?

Proteolytic is a category of enzymes that helps the digestive function by breaking the amino acid bonds that form the proteins. And although the proteolytic enzymes are mainly produced by the stomach or the pancreas, you can also get it through various food sources.
Two of the best proteolytic enzymes food sources are pineapple and papaya. They are also found in unpasteurized yogurt, ginger, kiwis and asparagus. And can also be obtained from fermented foods like kefir , kimchi and sauerkraut. Proteolytic enzymes in food can be the best way to source these enzymes for your health needs. You can also get them from supplements.

Proteolytic Enzymes Supplements

Concentrated form of enzymes can help with specific problems. For example, you can use proteolytic enzymes for arthritis and proteolytic enzymes for inflammation. Or can also use proteolytic enzymes-based supplements, if you’re experiencing chronic pain. Having said that, it is best to derive these essential enzymes from plant-based food sources rather than the ones derived from animal sources such as pigs or cows.
But if you are to use supplements, always first consult your doctor to know more about their benefits as well as the downsides in your specific case. It is very important to take enzyme supplements only when your doctor recommends it. Enzymes supplements are available in tablet, powder and capsule forms. But it is important to take the supplements in the recommended dosage only.
Using proteolytic enzymes supplements can be harmful in certain situations, for example, during pregnancy or when you are breastfeeding . It can also react with antibiotics and blood-thinning medicines. Higher dose can cause diarrhea, vomiting, rashes and other side effects.

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Functions and Benefits of Proteolytic Enzymes

One of the main functions of proteolytic enzymes is to act as digestive aids. If you suffer from digestive problems, irritable bowel syndrome , gas or bloating then proteolytic supplements can help provide you some relief. Digestion problems can also cause chronic abdominal pain; hence, you can increase your intake of papaya, pineapple or ginger to treat it.
Proteolytic enzymes can also help in the purification of blood by processing foreign proteins in the bloodstream. Inflammatory external proteins can cause many diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis , pain, infections, digestive problems and heart related issues. These enzymes aid in the cell division process and proper blood clotting, and by purifying the blood, they also help balance the immune system.
Proteolytic enzymes also remove fibrin – a clotting substance found in the muscles and the blood, from the bloodstream. Fibrin provides space for the cancer cells to remain undetected from the body’s immune system. With fibrin out of your bloodstream, your body can detect and attack the cancer cells. Excessive fibrin can also cause high blood pressure and scar tissues.
These enzymes can also aid in wound healing and help with sore muscles. After a strenuous workout, the proteolytic enzymes-based food sources can help your muscles recover faster.
These were the many health benefits of proteolytic enzymes. Include its sources in your diet to avoid or to find relief from autoimmune diseases, arthritis and food allergies. Use it to boost circulation, avoid inflammatory diseases, reduce arterial plaque, improve asthma symptoms and increase alkaline properties in your body.

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