Shed Unwanted Pounds the Hula-Hoop Way

Shed Unwanted Pounds the Hula-Hoop Way

Struggling to reduce that waistline? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? Well, you are not alone. A majority of Americans feel the same. The wais line is something that doesn’t seem to respond to the conventional fitness programs. So clearly, an unconventional approach seems to be the need of the hour.

Which brings us to the Hula-Hoop. The game of choice for kids from an era where slim waistlines seemed to be a little more achievable. Hula-Hoop became very popular in the 1950s but later gave way to more modern techniques. But given that everything old eventually becomes new again, the trend of hooping is once again picking up momentum. So if you are wondering what the Hula-Hoop is, and how to go about using it, then read on.

What is Hula-Hoop?
It is a large ring that can be gyrated around the waist.

How to use Hula-hoop?
Hula-hoop is very simple to use. You just have to take the ring around your waist and gyrate it, causing it to go round and round.

How does it help with weight reduction?
The act of gyrating helps burn calories – equivalent to the calorie-burn from walking five miles an hour. People take group classes in Hula-Hooping. The consumption of oxygen, heart rate variations and other physical factors that arise from a 30-minute hooping session, provide enormous weight loss benefits, by burning 210 calories. Doing this thrice a week will help you reduce weight in one month’s time. The gyrating action starts from the core, extending to obliques, muscles of the back, transverse abdominals, etc. It provides stability to the body in the long run.

What are the benefits of Hooping?
The following are the actual benefits of Hooping:

  • It strengthens the core .
  • Provides stability.
  • Tones the body.
  • Acts on the whole body.
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness.
  • Reduces weight.
  • Improves confidence.
  • Reduces waistline.
  • Help lose stubborn fat from the lower belly.
  • Improves posture.
  • Helps condition the body.
  • Gives shape to abs, thighs, and butt.
  • Helps maintain the balance of the body.
  • Improves performance in other sports.

Find the right hoop
Once you have decided to try hooping for fitness, here comes the next task – finding the right hoop. There are adult hoops that are heavier than the hoops that you used as a kid. Usually, it weighs three to five pounds, with a diameter of 36 to 43 inches.

Why find the right hoop?
Hoops leave a mark on your waist. Sometimes they are just minor bruises. But there are times when they leave a visible mark, making it tough for you to wear short tops. So to begin with, try smaller hoops that are easy to carry, have less impact on your skin, and that is collapsible. Once you are comfortable with hooping, you can try a larger hoop that is heavier. You can use these hoops alternatively.

How to Hula-Hoop
Hula hooping is great fun. You can start by standing, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Get to the hoop and try moving side to side, then forwards and backwards. You can start slowly. You will definitely lose the momentum, let the hoop fall, or find difficulty in stabilization, etc. This is pretty normal. So don’t lose heart.

Secondly, you cannot hoop for long when you try it the first day. You have to slowly and gradually increase the duration.

Some people want to achieve maximum momentum from the very first day they start hooping. They have to understand that it takes time to get to that speed. Slowly increase the speed to reach an optimum momentum.

Try variations in hooping – like one foot forward and the other foot backward. Try moving side to side. Hoop with your feet wide apart. You can be innovative here. Just ensure that you maintain proper form and function while hooping.

Take your time
Most of the people hoop for a week and then expect results. It takes at least 21 days to see a visible reduction in the waistline. There will be a lot of intangible effects, like increased stamina, endurance, and improved cardiovascular fitness in the first few days. If you persist, then you will gradually start to see results. A hooping session of active movement lasting for 30 minutes, thrice a week, will give you the best results.

How to start Hula-Hooping
Find a class nearby. If you find group classes, it will be great fun. But if you don’t find one, then try for private classes. If you don’t find a trainer at all, try doing it yourself. But exercise great caution.

What should you not be doing?
Hooping is more of a mental activity than a physical one. Some people feel insecure about moving their hips. They have a lot of inhibitions about hooping, especially when in a group. If you are someone like that, then here are few tips for you – Let go of yourself, be playful and hoop like a kid. Don’t be bothered about what others might say or not say. Just focus on hooping your way to a smaller waistline.

Last but not the least, hooping alone won’t help you shed those unwanted pounds. Combine the hula-hoop with some discipline in terms of your diet and lifestyle, to achieve optimum results.