Should You Have Sex During Pregnancy?

Should You Have Sex During Pregnancy?

It’s a question many women have. And the straightforward answer is – Yes. You can have sex while you are pregnant. But there are also times when you should not engage in sex. If you have had a good track record so far with your pregnancy , with a healthy growth for your baby, then there is nothing to worry about.

The cervix contains mucus which forms a plug around the cervical opening. This mucus plug is an automatic protective mechanism that protects the baby from any infection.  Furthermore, the penis does not go so far as to hit the uterus. The baby also has a sac around it for protection. The muscles around your pelvis also contribute to keeping the baby safe.

In what way is sex during pregnancy different from sex during other times?
When you are pregnant, the blood flow around the pelvis and genitals is very high. The veins are engorged, which results in high sensitivity. This sensitivity leads to increased pleasure during sex. Some women feel it, and some women don’t.

Will I get into labor if I have sex during pregnancy?
The answer is no. When you have sex, you will feel an orgasm that might give you a crampy feeling. You may even feel the baby moving. But it will in no way bring about labor. The movement of the baby is a natural reaction to the contraction of the perineal muscles after a fulfilling intercourse.

What sex position can we use?
The choice is up to you. The only concern that you should have is to avoid hurting the baby in any way.  So as long as the position is comfortable for you without any strain, then you can indulge in sex using that position.

When do I have to be careful?
There are few cases in which you have to avoid sex and be extra cautious:

  •  If you have a high-risk pregnancy, then it is mandatory to avoid sex
  • If you have any sort of bleeding or spotting during the early days of pregnancy, then you will have to avoid sex for the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy.
  • If you are a victim of vaginal infections, then you must avoid sex during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • If you have a low lying placenta, like those that cover the mouth of the uterine opening, then you must avoid sex till pregnancy.
  • If you suffer from weakness of the cervical muscles, then you should definitely avoid sex.
  • Any history of heavy bleeding is a definite warning against having sex during pregnancy.

What should I do now?
The foremost thing is that you have to consult your doctor and find out your risk profile. If you are a healthy mother with a healthy fetus, with no placental abnormalities, no history of cervical weakness, no history of bleeding or spotting, then you can have sex with your partner. Also, check for any infections of the vagina, which bar all forms of sexual activity. If there are no high-risk criteria, then you can have regular and healthy sex.

What to do I am scared?
If you are afraid that something might happen to your baby if you have sex, then try alternate forms of pleasure like mutual masturbation or oral sex. Remember that your love life is more than sex. Hugging, kissing and caressing at times may give you the comfort and intimacy that you yearn for. But if you or your partner have genital infections, then you must definitely abstain from sex.

My sex drive is lower when I am pregnant. Is this normal?
Your sex drive is more of a cognitive phenomenon. The new lifestyle might dampen your sex drive. Morning sickness and other changes of pregnancy might keep you busy and leave you uninterested in sex. Take heart as this is very normal. This is just a transitional response of your system to pregnancy.

Will it affect my partner’s sex drive?
It may or may not. Remember that pregnancy and parenthood are not exclusively a woman’s concern. They are a shared responsibility. So the burden of these should apply to your partner too.

Now that you know all these facts, get rid of those fears and have sex with your partner as before.