Should Your Child Drink Apple Juice?

Should Your Child Drink Apple Juice?

It’s virtually impossible to imagine who has never had an apple. Most people grow up eating apples, and indeed continue to do so throughout their lives. Regularly eating apples is advisable for children, due to all the ways it helps them stay healthy and fit. It also provides all the essential nutrients required by them while growing.
Usually, small kids cannot eat a whole apple in one day, as they eat very little. So the best way to give them an apple is by giving them apple juice.

What are the nutritional benefits of apples?

Apples contain a lot of flavonoids and dietary fiber, which reduce the risk of dangerous diseases like cancer and diabetes. Apart from this, apples contain antioxidants, which help protect your heart and blood vessels.

There are a number of further health benefits of apples which are very important for a child’s health. Some of them are listed below:

  • According to studies, consumption of apple juice helps improve blood circulation in your brain and boosts your memory.
  • Apple is rich in B-complex, vitamins which improve the nervous system.
  • Dietary fiber present in apples helps maintain levels of HDL (High-density lipoprotein) cholesterol (or good cholesterol); thereby reducing the threat of certain cardiovascular diseases.
  • Apples also provide calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, which give your children enough energy to perform regular day to day activities.

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Benefits of apple juice

Apart from being tasty, apple juice has many phytonutrients, which helps your child’s body to fight with several hazardous diseases like asthma, blood pressure, cancer and much more. Some additional benefits of apple juice are as follows:

  • Apple juice can provide you glowing skin and hair. It is commonly used as a skin care treatment to prevent itching, rashes, and other skin problems.
  • It contains special nutrients that help prevent the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • Due to its low-calorie count, drinking apple juice will not result in weight gain.
  • Apple juice improves the health of the heart and liver and boosts immunity.
  • Drinking apple juice regularly helps your children overcome constipation.

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Why prefer apple juice over the actual fruit?

Juices have many benefits that you can’t get from the actual fruit. The absorption of the fruit’s nutrients by the body becomes easier when you have fruit juice. Moreover, your children can get the nutrition of 2-3 apples if it is given to them in the form of fruit juice. This is because it is easier to drink apple juice than it is to eat 2-3 apples in a day. Kids love things that are easy and quick to do. While eating, they might leave the apple half eaten; but in case of juice, even if they drink half a glass, they will get the nutritional value of a whole apple. Even small kids who can’t chew properly can easily drink apple juice.

Since apple juice can be incredibly beneficial to your child’s health, you should definitely endeavour to make it a significant part of your kid’s diet. Always remember, however, that while apple juice has a number of benefits, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get your child to eat the actual fruit once in awhile as well.

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