Sleep Well While You Travel

Sleep Well While You Travel

Travelling might be an exhilarating adventure for some, and an obligation (professional or otherwise) for others. In either case, constant traveling comes with certain complications – the most prominent among them being sleep disorders. The sleep cycle is something definite and irreplaceable. Tinkering the with sleep cycle often gives rise to digestive problems, insomnia, nausea, and other such mild but troubling issues. To avoid such sleep and travel problems, here is a list of a few hacks that you can employ to enjoy your while getting adequate rest:

Choose the right accommodation:
No matter what your destination is, the need for suitable accommodation is undeniable. Hotels that offer better sleep amenities should be chosen. Some hotels accessorize and customise their services according to the needs of the travelers, and include aromatherapy, soothing nightlights, heating pads, and cosy or slouchy pillows. Ensuring that your sleep is as peaceful as that at home will lead to a more productive day of work or a fun day of holidaying ahead.

When traveling within the same time-zone:
If your travel is domestic, then the sleep cycle is not severely disrupted. If possible, carry your favorite pillow or bed wrap along. The body craves familiarity, and hence familiar items can trick you into sleeping like you are at home. Domestic travel can be via road and hence adequate sleep beforehand is essential to ensure one doesn’t fall asleep while driving. Earplugs for music and a comfortable reclining position in the driver’s seat is recommended. A caffeinated beverage, or sporadic stops, can also help you avoid drowsy driving, that is both risky and dangerous.

When traveling to a different time-zone:
Traveling to a different time zone can be challenging, because it is often accompanied by jet lags, and time differences cause disruptions in the body’s sleep cycle. Time zone changes affect the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Planning ahead is crucial. One way this can be done is by trying to sleep according to the time-zone of your destination if possible, before your trip. While natural adjustments are not as onerous as you might assume, checking with the hotel about proper curtain and sleep-inducing amenities can be helpful.

Tackle jet lag:
Jetlag is a physical thrust to trans-meridian travel. It can result in fatigue, insomnia, and stomach related issues, even for regular travelers. Also, this is the biggest enemy of the sleep cycle. Some preparations have to be made ahead. The sun regulates our body’s natural sleep cycle. Some experts have even suggested that a machine that emits artificial sunlight can be purchased to simulate it. Coming out into the sun, however, is the best technique to tackle jet lag. There are also workouts that are recommended for after you deplane at your destination, and before you go to bed.

Tricks to sleep well on a plane:
The window seat is the best seat for you if you’re planning to sleep on the plane, as it gives you something for you to rest your head against. Try to avoid seats near restrooms because they cause immense disturbances. Carry eye-masks and ear-muffs to shut yourself off from the sights and sounds of the plane. Remember to skip the booze, as it is a common misconception that alcohol helps induce sleep; whereas in fact it causes disorientation when you’re on a flight, and is thus unlikely to guarantee you a great sleep.

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It is best scientifically proven therapy. Some mild yoga and stretching can help avoid inversions and pump up the blood. The result is sound sleep.

Set the temperature right:
If possible, adjust the thermostat or set the air-conditioning according to the surrounding temperature, for your comfort. This will help you sleep better.

Certain must-haves while traveling are travel pillows, travel sleep sack (to guard against bed bugs), travel sleeping mat, and travel sleepwear.

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Certain vitamin supplements are recommended while traveling, such as vitamins B6, B12, and riboflavin, along with vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chromium. These will help you sleep better.

A scent of home:
By bringing along any scent which you use at your home, you can trick your sleepy self into believing that you’re at home. It calms your senses and, ensures a happy sleep.

Follow the aforementioned pointers and enjoy some refreshing shuteye on your travels.