Staying Healthy on a Cruise

Staying Healthy on a Cruise

A holiday on a cruise is what almost every traveler desires. Luxury and adventure are two things travelers crave – and what else other than a cruise journey can provide both of these together! But, to enjoy a cruise trip and the beauty of the destinations you are hitting, you need to be able to stay healthy on the cruise. There is a high chance of falling ill during or after your holiday, due to a change of place, weather, and food habits. It is highly advisable to make healthy decisions while traveling so that you can not only enjoy your journey in its entirety but also safeguard yourself from severe illness and the prospect of expensive medical treatment.

Be careful what you eat
Your cruise will most likely have a buffet that serves food 24/7 – providing a whole host of delicacies filled with oil and spices. If you have a great metabolism, then you can grab any of them without worrying about how it’ll affect your body. However, if your metabolism and immunity aren’t that great, then you should be a bit more discerning about what you eat, and try limiting yourself to healthier options. The seemingly infinite options in food and drink often make passengers crave for what their body cannot take. And if you’re planning to satiate all those cravings, then be prepared for a tough time the next morning, or over the next few days.

It would be best to have a small amount of food at one go and maintain an interval of two to three hours before you try a different cuisine. This way you can taste all those delicious food items without falling sick. There are also specialized health cruises that you can go on which, among other things, offer light and non-spicy food items on their menu – so this is a great option if you’re very concerned about staying healthy.

Hit the gym
If you are someone who is fond of keeping fit on your journey, then you should check out the gym on the cruise-liner, and spend at least an hour there in the evening. It will help you burn a few calories and stay healthy on the cruise. You might also get a meet a few fellow health and fitness enthusiasts this way. The exotic food items on your platter can have a lot of oil and calories in them and to burn them out, you need to run a little on the treadmill. If you were partying last night on your cruise and have had loads of food, try hitting the gym in the morning when you wake up, so that those fats don’t get deposited in your body.

Limit your Alcohol
Alcohol is part of the fun of a cruise journey. When you are with your co-travelers or with your family on a cruise, evenings are incomplete without raising a toast. But to stay fit you need to know your limits and stick to them. It has often been observed that a combination of oily food and alcohol on a cruise journey make people sick. The change in weather slows down the body’s immune system in any case, and adding alcohol to it along with a heavy lunch or dinner only makes things worse – causing severe stomach problems.

Try out the different juices
Perhaps it would be best to forego alcohol altogether. Instead, check out the various juices from the juice bars on your cruise. Health cruises, in particular, have well-maintained juice bars, where you can get exotic juices made from a variety of fruits and vegetables. These are both healthy, and delicious to drink.

Apply sunscreen
A cruise is all about enjoying the weather at sea. To do that you need to stay under the sun most of the time. To protect your skin from tan and sunburn , apply your favorite sunscreen several times a day.

If you meticulously follow the aforementioned pointers, you are sure to have a more fun and fulfilling time on your cruise!