Strengthen Your Inner Thighs With These 6 Workouts

Strengthen Your Inner Thighs With These 6 Workouts

One of the very common problems with a gym workout is missing specific days reserved for a specific group of muscles. The leg day is something that is frequently skipped. Most people tend to focus more on the upper body workout, instead of a complete body workout. The main aim of working out should be more than getting cuts and 6-pack abs. Work out should be for the sake of strengthening all the muscle groups. It should be about building up your stamina, strength, and flexibility. If you are also one of those who usually skips his/her leg day, then this article is meant for you.
Thigh muscles are very important for activities like dance. In fact, dancing itself strengthens your thigh muscles..

Here are six of the most important thigh muscle workouts.

Extended Leg Lift

  • Start with lying on your side on the floor, using a small pillow for neck support
  • Move your top leg forward so it rests on the floor.
  • Keep your bottom leg extended. Point your toes.
  • Lift it six inches off the ground. Hold it for three seconds. Then lower it back down.
  • Make sure that your bottom leg doesn’t rest on the floor until you’ve finished this set.

* Caution : This workout is only effective if you move slowly.

* Reps : 2 sets of ten repetitions.

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Ballet Raise

  • To start working out, stand with one foot flat on the floor.
  • Place your opposite foot directly in front of the first one (at rest) with your foot pointed. Your toes should be touching the floor.
  • Lift that foot as high as possible (as slow as possible). Keep the leg pointed. Also, make sure that it’s close to your leg.
  • Now slowly lower it back down to the starting position.

* Caution : Your toes should reach above your knees. If required, stand near a wall for support.
* Reps : Start with two sets of 15 reps.

Thrust and Squeeze

  • Start by lying down with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees.
  • Place your feet (12 inches apart). Make sure that it’s flat on the floor.
  • Then, slowly pull your abs in toward your spine. Make sure that you don’t lift your lower back from the floor.
  • Squeeze your bottom and slowly lift it off the floor. Push up with your feet.
  • Then, press your knees together before lowering your bottom back down.

*Reps : 2 sets of 15 reps.

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 Inner Thigh Press

  • Start by lying down with your legs (two feet apart). Make sure that they are extended straight in the air.
  • Bend your body at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Then, cross your arms. Make sure that you hold each leg just below the knee.
  • Don’t forget to exhale while you push your legs inward. At the same time press them outward with your hands for at least five seconds.

* Start with sets of ten. Increase the reps as you get accustomed to it.

Standing Thigh Press

  • Start by standing with your feet together. Keep your back straight. If you feel comfortable wear ankle weights during the workout
  • Get your abs tightened. Flex your thighs.
  • Slowly lift one leg and press one thigh against the other for at least five seconds.
  • Move it outward and press again. Make sure that you don’t swing your leg.

* Start with a set of 10 for each leg. If you find it difficult to balance, hold on to a chair.

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Cross Stepping

  • Go to a staircase with a railing for the workout.
  • Start by facing the railing. Hold onto it for balance. Then, cross one leg over the other onto the first step.
  • Cross the opposite one onto the next step.
  • Aim to reach the top of the staircase.

* Using ankle weights can increase the intensity of the workout. It strengthens the muscles to a higher degree.
You can start with these easy and effective thigh workout to strengthen your inner thigh muscles. Work out and stay fit!

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