Tanning Lotions: Your Key to Sun-Kissed Glowing Tanned Skin

Tanning Lotions: Your Key to Sun-Kissed Glowing Tanned Skin

Summer is only a few short months away. With it comes sunshine and the opportunity to show a little more skin. But pale looking skin dampens your spirit to enjoy the summer to the fullest and flaunt the new wardrobe that you recently bought for the summer. It is the perfect time to get you sun-kissed glowing skin. However, baking in the sun can be harmful to your skin as you get exposed to damaging UV rays. Tanning lotion is one of the best and most viable solutions to get bronzed skin. There is a copious range of tanning products flooding the markets for getting the desired dash of color on to your skin. It is important to figure out the best products for your skin . In order to find out the answer to that, you first need to know many other basic facts about tanning lotions.

What are tanning lotions and how are these prepared?

Tanning lotion is a term used for a variety of beauty products that help you achieve a tanned look without going directly under the Sun. Tanning is a process of intensifying the melanin production in the skin which gives a brown color to the skin and these lotions will help to stimulate the process of tanning. Tanning lotions are used to increase the rate of tanning and reducing the adverse effects of the sun rays and fake tanning devices.

  • These tanning lotions are available in different consistencies such as cream, lotions, mousse, gel, sprays, and oils.
  • Other than that it also contains many necessary ingredients to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
  • Some of them are available with a little amount of SPF in it to give you protection against the Sun rays. However, it is recommended to use sun block on top of it as well if you are going out in the sun.

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What are the different types of tanning lotions and their uses?

There are broadly three types of tanning- Outdoor, Indoor and Sunless. The lotions are categorized based on the tanning process specifically.

Outdoor Tanning Lotions

An outdoor tanning lotion as suggested by the name is intended to be used outside. Stepping out in the Sun bare skinned can be dangerous. It is always recommended to use sunblock before going outside. These tanning lotions are available with some SPF in it to get you protected from the deleterious effects of UV rays and also help in accelerating the process of tanning.

  • You can use these lotions before heading out in the Sun.
  • There are different types if outdoor tanning lotions based on the usage and your exposure to the tanning process such as Accelerator, Maximizer, Bronzer and Anti-aging lotions.

Indoor Tanning Lotions

Again, as the name implies the indoor tanning lotions are used for indoor tanning process such as tanning bed and lamps. These products rarely contain SPF and are only meant for blocking fake UV rays.

  • It is wise not to use indoor tanning lotions outside under the Sun as it will not protect from the UV rays of the sun and enhance the chances of sunburn and skin cancer.
  • There are a variety of options available in the market for tanning bed lotions. These include basic tanning accelerators, Bronzers, Tingling tanning lotions and others.
  • You can choose one of these tanning lotions based on the skin type, skin’s exposure to tanning process, required amount of tanning etc.

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Sunless Tanning Lotions

These type of tanning lotions are the rage over the last few years because of them being the safest tanning option. It delivers a perfectly safe tan without getting your skin exposed to the Sun or the fake UV rays of tanning bed and lamps.
These self tanning lotions essentially contain a chemical called dihydroxyacetone, also popularly known as DHA. The tanning effect is produced when DHA reacts with the amino acid present in the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, which in turn produces chemicals called melanoidins. Due to Maillard reaction, it creates the effect of tanning of the skin. It is just like staining your outer layer of skin.

  • It takes normally 2-4 hours to show the change in color of the skin and can gradually go darker within 72 next hours which may vary from person to person and the dead skin cells of the person.
  • The browning effect can last up to 10-12 days as the dead skin shed off the tan fades away.
  • You just have to slap on the lotion to your skin and wait for it to work by itself. It is recommended to apply the best sunless tanning lotion a few hours before going to sleep for the most effective results.

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