Ten Health Benefits of Kiwi

Ten Health Benefits of Kiwi

Fruits are one of the best gifts of Mother Nature. Many of them are tasty, and all of them have some health benefits to offer. Kiwi is no exception. Kiwi boasts of a unique flavor and adds a distinct taste to fruit salads. Apart from satisfying your taste buds, kiwi fruit is beneficial in many ways. Fruits are one of the best gifts of Mother Nature. Many of them are tasty, and all of them have some health benefits to offer. Kiwi is no exception. Kiwi boasts of a unique flavor and adds a distinct taste to fruit salads. Apart from satisfying your taste buds, kiwi fruit is beneficial in many ways.

So read on to learn about ten reasons why you should be adding Kiwi to your diet.

Protects your respiratory tract
If you are someone suffering from asthma, or any other respiratory tract disorder, then you definitely should have kiwi. Research shows that kiwi is prophylactic against wheezing, night time cough shortness of breath, runny nose, chronic cough and respiratory obstruction. This is due to the presence of vitamin C in kiwi fruit.

Protects your cardiovascular health
The incidence of cardiovascular diseases is increasing day by day. The number of people with heart attacks, blood pressure, and related diseases is significantly higher than it was in previous decades. People are looking for better, and safer, methods of prophylaxis, rather than simply relying on medication and Kiwi might just be the answer. Kiwi has an aspirin like effect on your cardiovascular system. It acts against the platelet aggregation factors that cause the blood to clot in those small arteries. It also reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood. The best part is that kiwi is devoid of the side effects of intestinal bleeding and inflammation that comes with aspirin.

Regulates blood pressure
The presence of potassium in kiwi gives it the ability to regulate blood pressure. It helps in fluid and electrolyte balance, which directly affects heart rate control and blood pressure.

Protects against cancer
The presence of antioxidants like Flavonoids and Carotenoids, which act against those free radicals that damage your DNA, makes kiwi a wonder fruit. DNA damage is what causes cancer. Therefore, by preventing DNA damage, Kiwi helps prevent the beginning of cancer.

Rich in fiber
Kiwi is rich in soluble dietary fiber that helps in regulating your digestion and removing toxins from your colon. Fiber is very important when it comes to preventing constipation, and in the long-term, preventing colon cancer.

Protects the eye from age related changes
As you age, your eye undergoes degeneration and develops glaucoma and cataracts. Kiwi contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which is present in the macula of the eye. Lutein is responsible for filtering out harmful blue light. Age related macular degeneration is responsible for vision loss in the elderly. Eating kiwi regularly protects you from this damage.

Keeps your skin healthy
The presence of the antioxidant vitamin E enables Kiwi to act as a protective agent against the damage and degeneration of skin. It also helps give a natural glow to the skin .

Bolsters immunity
Kiwi boosts immunity, mainly because of the presence of vitamin C. If you are someone with low immunity, then kiwi is something that you make a regular part of your diet.

Boosts male reproductive health
The presence of vasodilators like amino acid arginine makes it a potent agent against impotence. Taking kiwi regularly alongside your regular medicines will help treat impotence faster.

Good for pregnant women
The presence of folate in kiwi makes it a great fruit to eat during pregnancy . Folate is essential for the development of red blood cells, and deficiency causes complications in pregnancy.

What are you waiting for? Get the kiwi in your diet immediately.