The 5-Day Alcohol Detox Program

The 5-Day Alcohol Detox Program

Fast-paced lifestyles these days are inculcating bad habits in a lot of people. More and more people are choosing alcoholism for leisure, due to peer pressure, to escape boredom, or as a way of life. Some are so addicted that they need special help to get out of it. Too much dependence on alcohol needs active help for a cure.

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So What Is Alcohol Detoxification?

Alcohol detoxification is not exactly a treatment. It is just a first step towards getting better by stopping drinking and getting rid of all the alcohol in your body. To do so, at least 6 hours have to pass before detoxification can start. The more important things to consider during an alcohol detoxification program are the withdrawal symptoms that are bound to appear. It is during such times that detox programs support you by providing guidelines, medicines, and help to ease withdrawal symptoms.

A 5-day alcohol detox program can take place in the following way:

Day 1 – Assessment of alcohol intake
The first step of the program is an overall examination. A complete communication with the staff is necessary so that they can provide detox support as adequate help is required to fight withdrawal side effects.

Day 2 – Treatment is decided
A number of blood and urine tests are conducted to measure alcohol levels in your body. Other tests are done to avoid any other chronic disorders such as depression, anxiety or any other chronic problems. After such screening tests are completed, a treatment plan can be made out to cure alcohol addiction.

Day 3 –  Medications are prescribed
Often, patients suffer from alcohol detox side effects and start facing alcohol withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is removed from the body. They generally appear within 24 hours after last drug dose. Some of the withdrawal symptoms faced are extreme depression, inability to sleep, cramping, headaches, sweating, and decreased appetite. In severe cases, withdrawal symptoms include stroke, seizures or even heart attacks. Such patients are given some medications such as Methadone, Buprenorphine, Benzodiazepines, or Barbiturates.

Day 4 – Ample hydration ensured and overall health boosted
Patients might suffer side effects of alcohol abuse such as dehydration and poor nutrition. They might be prescribed vitamin B supplements, iron supplements, and folic acid for overall health. For hydration, they are given herbal tea and neutral broths.

Day 5 –  Treatment begins
Treatment starts and harmful substances are removed from the body. Other things considered important are the triggers that force patients to turn to alcohol. Detox is followed by full rehabilitation programs to help patients in their everyday life. These programs include behavioral therapy to address the thoughts of patients through individual or group therapy. Patients discuss their addiction and are taught how to deal with them.

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Detox programs include certain alcohol detox drinks and alcohol detox diets that are prescribed for patients such as:

  • Carrot and beet juice
  • Citrus juice
  • Cabbage juice
  • Wheatgrass juice
  • Carrot Apple cleanser

An alcohol detox diet plan consists of lean proteins such as chicken, fish, eggs and raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans. You should also include multivitamin and mineral supplements with vitamin B and C along with calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The National Institute of Health has suggested one should avoid sugar and candy products and the best way to do so is by not staying hungry for long. One should keep eating once every 3 hours. The detox program is quite safe but sometimes it might be dangerous for some patients and hence doctors generally advise patients not to detox at home on their own.

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