The Amazing Health Benefits of Soy Foods

The Amazing Health Benefits of Soy Foods

The soybean legume is grown in pods that contain seeds or beans. The beans obtained from the pod are utilized in making soy food that is a great source of protein. This exact quality makes it one of the most superior sources of protein in a vegetarian diet. In an American Heart Organization report in the year 2000, it was recommended to add soy protein into diets that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol.
Being a source of plant protein, it packs a punch at par with animal foods in terms of proteins. In fact it is considered to be a healthier option than animal foods, considering the high levels of saturated fats and cholesterol that the latter have. Being a versatile bean, soy is available in foods such as soy milk, soy sauce, bean curd, edamame, soy cheese, soy flour, miso-which is a kind of a paste, tempeh or soy cakes, and tofu.
As an additive of foods, soy is also found in breads, cereals, and meat products. Its use as a substitute to meat in soy burgers and hot dogs has changed the vegetarian scene across the globe. The food talk about soy foods indicates that in order to include about 50 grams of soy protein in your diet you need to consume at least a pound of tofu/half gallon of soymilk.

Here are some of the specific health benefits of consuming soy foods:

A great source of plant protein

Vegetarian sources of protein have always been restricted to greens, pulses and some dairy products. This became a bigger issue for vegan diet since such people completely ignore dairy. This is where soy plays a great role in being a non-animal protein source. In fact it is observed that by substituting soy protein with animal protein, there is a 3% reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol or ‘bad cholesterol’.

Low in cholesterol and saturated fat

The cholesterol advantages are totally related to the replacement of high cholesterol and fatty meat diets with soy. Being a great supplement of protein, almost as powerful as meat, makes it a healthier option for patients suffering form cholesterol and fat complications. It has also been observed that soy has been seen to reduce saturated fat to 8 – 10%, cholesterol to 3 – 5% and LDL to 20-30% with a complete replacement.

Weight loss

The weight loss industry has benefitted majorly with the popularity of soy as a protein source. It is observed that the effectiveness of losing weight increases by 5 – 8% with the replacement of soy as a source of protein. Soymilk is a substitute of skimmed milk as it contains just a similar amount of calories but is low in sugar content. The fatty acids in this milk prevent intestinal absorption of fat, which helps in weight loss.

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A source of mono and polyunsaturated fats

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids help in improving the lipid profile in general. These fatty acids act by preventing the transportation of cholesterol into the bloodstream, and hence avoiding its absorption and accumulation.

A source of Omega-3 fatty acid

Similar to algae and oily fish, soy oil is packed with omega 3 fatty acids that lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Since most people avoid eating fish due to the rising mercury poisoning risk, soy offers to be a good replacement.

A bank of vitamins and minerals

The presence of vitamin E in soya is one of its best benefits. The vitamin itself plays a great role in giving you younger-looking and more radiant skin. Apart from including it in the diet, if soybeans are used as face packs, it becomes a great moisturizer for the skin and keeps it blemish free.

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A source of phytochemicals

Phytochemicals such as isoflavones have been found to contribute to fighting cancer. Apart from that, it also contains Phytic acid that has antioxidant qualities and can aid in combating diabetes, inflammation, malignancies etc.

A source of phytoestrogens

The phytoestrogens in soybean help to produce estrogen in the body, which has a primal role in skin health. With ageing, the level of estrogen in the body depletes and this can be fought out by soybean. Skin problems like discoloration, wrinkles, dark spots and fine lines that creep up with age can be kept at bay with a healthy supplementation of soy.
In post-menopausal complications, soy acts as a non-medication source of estrogen hormone and hence prevents other complications of osteoporosis and reduced immunity as well.

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