The Dos and Don’ts of Proper Suncare

The Dos and Don’ts of Proper Suncare

Sun is the primary source of energy for the earth and all its inhabitants. But, under certain circumstances, it can also be harmful to all of us. The stratosphere and ozone layers filter the harmful radiations of the sun from reaching the surface of the earth. Excessive exposure to the sun is highly detrimental to the health of the human skin, which is highly sensitive and prone to allergies. Ultraviolet radiation manages to pass through the atmosphere is small units, and that harms the skin. Skin diseases are commonly diagnosed across the world. It comes with additional problems of skin tanning, skin aging, sunburn, sunstroke, etc.

Read on to learn about some do’s and don’ts that form the prerequisites of skin care, to avoid the scathing effect of the sun.

Don’t avoid the application of sunscreen: This might seem obvious, but it’s always worth keeping in mind. Applying sunscreen is a must, not only when moving outdoors, but also while staying indoors. There are multiple commercially available products of various SPF screens, and these must be applied on the exposed skin without failure. Sunscreen helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays and accentuates the beauty of skin even on a hot sunny day. Sunscreens can easily be wiped off due to either sweat or water, and hence can be used twice a day as well.

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Do take the right product:
If you are going out daily for work or recreation, the sunscreen you apply should not exceed the SPF 15 mark. Before heading out, it must be applied and kept for 15 to 20 minutes. It is also necessary to look for a seal of approval and avoid shady products. Sunscreen must contain components such as titanium oxide, PABA derivatives, salicylates, and benzophenones. Sunscreen for dark skin is also available.

Don’t think age is a bar for applying sunscreen:
It is a common misconception that only the youth need to apply sunscreen products. In fact, age is not a bar for sun protection creams. Additionally, sunscreen must be applied to not just the face, but also hands, ears, forearms, elbows, and even lips; as these areas are susceptible to the development of melanomas, and hence require proper care.

Do wear protective clothing:
Now that skin care has been taken care of, clothing is the next priority. It has to be made sure that the fabric of clothing is light and comfortable. Lightweight shirts or blouses with loose flared pants are preferable, as they avoid accumulation of sweat. Dark colored clothing must be avoided. And obviously, sunglasses are a must.

Don’t just take the precautions for summers:
A common misconception about the sun’s harmful rays is that it only falls in summer. Well, the reality is quite the opposite. Snow reflects 80% of the sun’s rays. Other than penetrating from the umbrellas and shades, the sun’s rays can even get reflected from water, concrete, and other surfaces. Hence, sun protection techniques must not be confined to summers.

Do avoid the sun in the middle of the day:
The slanting rays of the sun are the most concentrated between 10 am and 4 pm. The sun’s exposure must be avoided at this time, if possible. Also, it is necessary to know how to protect your skin from the sun without sunscreen.

Don’t go out for tan:
Deliberately aiming for a skin tan can be dangerous for the skin. Getting a tan may do wonders for your appearance, but it also burns your skin. Direct exposure to the sun, particularly in tropical areas, can be devastating to the skin – and hence even safe tans are not that safe.

Recommended Read:   Common Risk Factors for Melanoma Skin Cancer

Do opt for sunburn treatments:
By any chance, if sunburns actually occur, there is no need to panic. It can be easily treated with cool bathing, sun protective moisturizers, anti-inflammatory medicines, and special creams meant for skin care treatments and rejuvenation. In addition to that, a medical consultation is recommended to treat associated problems of fever, headache, or heat stroke. It can be supplemented with natural skin care tips.

Don’t think that clouds can protect you:
White clouds in the sky might look like they can provide temporary relief, but it shouldn’t fool you into not using sun protection masks. The sun can be damaging even from behind the clouds.

Do optimize your diet:
Other than skincare regimens, your diet has to be taken care of. Drinking enough water is a must. In addition to that, food that consists of beta-carotene, antioxidants, lycopene, and omega-3 fatty acids must be an essential part of the diet. Fruit juices and green tea are essential sun-protection tips