The pH of Cleansers and What It Means For Your Skin

The pH of Cleansers and What It Means For Your Skin

The term pH will sound familiar to you if you use even a minimal amount of makeup or skin care products. But, do you know what exactly pH is?
You need not be an expert in chemistry but let us look at the basics of the pH, which might help you in your daily skincare routine. You should remember that you can figure out the acidic or alkaline nature of a substance by its pH level. You might know that pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. Here, 0 stands for the most acidic substances while pH 14 signifies the alkaline nature of the substance. pH 7 stands for a neutral substance, which is neither acidic nor alkaline.

The epidermal layer has an acidic nature with a pH level between 4.5 and 5.5. This is one of the reasons an alkaline pH product can upset the skin’s acid mantle making it dry and accelerating the process of aging.

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Do you know what is the pH of your face cleanser?

The information above tells you the importance of knowing the pH level of any product you apply directly to your skin. There are varieties of cleansers available in the market that clean your skin but leave the acidic mantle of the skin damaged due to its alkaline nature. So, you should always figure out the pH of your cleanser and always use a pH-balanced cleanser.

How do you know if your skin pH balance has been disrupted?

Many cleansers claim to be pH-balanced, however, the effect on your skin indicates something completely different. You cannot blindly trust advertisements or the label of your cleanser. Your skin’s reaction is the most accurate indicator of your cleanser’s pH level.  You should keep a lookout for any pigmentation issues in your skin to make sure the pH balance is not disrupted. These are some of the common signs and indicators of a damaged pH balance.

  • Dryness and flaking of skin
  • Roughness
  • Irritation
  • Breakouts
  • Excessive oil
  • Redness
  • Sensitivity
  • Premature signs of aging
  • Inflammations

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Effects of cleansers having a strong alkaline base

Most cleansers have a soapy base that can have an alkaline pH. These alkaline cleansers tend to remove the natural oil from your skin , making it dry and itchy. The regular usage of alkaline based cleansers makes the skin prone to acne, fungal and bacterial problems. The skin requires a certain amount of acid to inhibit the bacterial and fungal growths.

Effects of cleansers having a strong acidic base.

As we read above, alkaline cleansers are not good for the skin, but if the cleanser is too acidic, it can also disrupt the pH balance of the skin. Acidic cleansers can also remove the natural oil and disrupt the lipid barrier temporarily. These cleansers weaken the skin’s natural defense mechanism against bacterial and environmental damages.  

What if your skin’s pH balance has already been disturbed by your cleanser?

Now you know that the pH of your cleanser should ideally be around 5.5, which is neither too acidic nor too alkaline. But there’s a high probability that your skin’s pH balance has already been disturbed, and you are searching for solutions to your skin problems .

First, you need to determine what is your current pH level:
If your skin feels too dry and suffers from premature wrinkles , then it indicates that your pH level is too high. You must find a product which can bring your pH level down. You should also incorporate some fruits with a low pH such as lemons, avocados, and kiwis into your regular diet.

If your skin is oily and sensitive, the pH level of your skin is low and acidic. You should moderately use cleansers and beauty products. You might also want to consider switching your diet and focusing on alkaline based food. You must use cleansers and keep your skin clean, but avoid disturbing the pH balance of your skin.

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