The Pros and Cons of E-Cigarettes

The Pros and Cons of E-Cigarettes

The development of e-cigarettes is believed by many smokers to be nothing short of a miracle. These cigarettes are believed to be a healthier alternative to normal cigarettes, as they only give you nicotine(in some cases zero-nicotine) and no smoke or tar. The nicotine is present in form of fluids filled in these cigarettes. The battery converts the fluid into vapors. Inhaling this vapor satiates the nicotine requirement without giving you the unwanted carcinogens. This makes them safe to use.
So the question that now arises is, whether they help one quit smoking normal cigarettes. The answer is yes, but with a few caveats. The range of fluids varies from 1.8% to 0% nicotine content. If you want to quit cigarettes, just reduce the content by changing the fluids gradually. In this way, you can quit cigarettes without facing the withdrawal symptoms. The problem arises when you develop a dependence on nicotine intake. Nicotine is addictive. Since they are promoted as ‘safe-cigarettes’, even youngsters are trying them. Developing a dependency on them for leisure is not good for their health.
Now, it’s time to take a closer look at the pros and cons of e-cigarettes:

Pros of e-cigarettes:

  • Helps to quit smoke based cigarettes – These cigarettes were initially developed to help to quit smoke based cigarettes. We all know that carcinogens present in cigarettes are the leading cause of cancer in the world. Reducing the nicotine concentration by gradually changing the fluids would help you quit cigarettes completely.
  • You get an option for zero-nicotine smoking- If you smoke for fun or just hanging out with your friends, just use the zero nicotine fluids and you won’t be taking in any nicotine. There is no chance of being addicted to it.
  • Healthy for those with asthma- Smoking up cigarettes for those with asthma is strictly prohibited. Well, since e-cigarettes are smoke-free and tar free, even those who are diagnosed with asthma can also smoke (or rather, vape).
  • A ray of hope for those with COPD- People diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can’t live without nicotine. They’re addicted to nicotine. Unfortunately, each cigarette they smoke also brings them closer to deathbed. E-cigarettes are a great boon to such people.

Recommended Read:  Smoking Cessation and Nicotine Withdrawal

Cons of e-cigarettes:

  • They are largely nicotine-based- Although zero-nicotine fluids are available, most of the vaping is done using nicotine-based fluids. These fluids provide you a good feeling and relaxes you just like the smoke-based cigarettes, but is also addictive. Studies have shown that youngsters are becoming addicted to nicotine and this is one of the major causes of addiction.
  • They also contain other elements- Apart from nicotine, they also contain heavy metals, ultrafine particles and other toxic ingredients in its aerosol in the vapors. These are as harmful as carcinogens. Although the intensity of damage is relatively lower, dependency on it would cause damage when used regularly.
  • There is a risk of accident- These cigarettes are battery powered. The problem arises when you buy a cheap e-cigarette from any local vendor. Make sure that you buy from the top 10 vendors in your state. There are chances that the batteries of local e-cigarettes may blast. Many cases of blasting while charging and even while using these have been registered.
  • They’re a recent innovation- It takes time to study and research the side effects of any innovation. These cigarettes are relatively new in the market. It would take years to truly understand the long-term consequences of prolonged e-cigarette use.

If we look at the pros and cons of e-cigarettes, calling these safe-cigarettes(as a part of the manufacturers promotional efforts) is far from accurate. They may be safer in comparison to smoke-based cigarettes, yet not completely safe. If you are planning to quit smoking, then e-cigarettes can certainly help you out – up to a point. Just remember not to develop a dependency on these cigarettes.