The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

Asthma is a disease that narrows the airways due to swelling and excess mucus. Patients with asthma usually have difficulty breathing. They may also suffer chest tightness, chronic coughing, and wheezing. While there is no definitive cause for asthma; there are certain common triggers that patients can avoid to reduce the symptoms and frequency of asthma flare ups.

Certain foods for example, can worsen symptoms or even cause a severe asthma attack, such as:

1. Eggs

Someone who has an allergy to this would break out in hives. If you have asthma, it could be one of your more severe triggers. Severe asthma can cause a rapid increase in your airway inflammation. Asthma attacks are more likely to occur when eating eggs. Or perhaps eating something containing it.

2. Cow’s milk

Milk is the root for a good digestion of calcium and sturdy bones. Unfortunately, if you suffer from asthma you may want to keep away from dairy products. The reason is because cow’s milk could produce more mucus in your lungs that is already there. Milk is customary in most foods, which means it is more likely for consumption. Which in turn, makes asthma symptoms worse.

3. Nuts

Nuts, particularly tree nuts (i.e., peanuts) are another common trigger for sevre asthma attacks. In 2008, a study found that mothers who were pregnant and ate nuts had a higher risk to birth kids with asthma. These kids were more likely to undergo wheezing, shortness of breath and other symptoms in their lifetime. Luckily, there is sevre asthma medication available like Epinephrine. These medications can control the symptoms.

4. Soy

Asthma reactions to this food are uncomfortable but rarely threatening. It usually starts in infants with an allergy to soy-based infant formula. If the symptoms do get severe, wheezing, runny nose, and breathing problems will occur. Soy Isoflavones, used to control effects of menopause, could restrain asthma if used during early adolescence.

5. Wheat

This food contains albumin and globulin which can cause asthmatic reactions. When consumed, wheat can trigger the immune system. This trigger can give an individual life-threatening asthma attacks. Those with celiac disease, a disease caused by eating gluten, are more likely to develop asthma attacks.

6. Shellfish

Shellfish is a common trigger. To not only people suffering with asthma, but any kind of allergic reaction. If you are asthmatic you may be sensitive to sulfites, which is inside of most seafoods. This could trigger asthma attacks and nausea.

Many of these foods are common ingredients in other food items (i.e., sauces, baked goods, canned goods and prepared foods). As a result, this makes it difficult to avoid them. Talk to your doctor or asthma specialist if you feel you are experiencing reactions to any foods. They can also consult your known asthma triggers and which foods you may be sensitive to. If you are still unaware, read the labels on the back of packages containing the ingredients, and keep a food diary. An elimination diet may also help identify food triggers. Prepare meals for yourself as much as possible can help limit exposure to allergens.