Things you must know about running in the rain

Things you must know about running in the rain

An athlete and soldier have this in common; they don’t have a break if it rains. They must go on even if the weather is rough. If you can understand what I am trying to tell, then you must know that running in the rain is something that you must master. Be it a charity run or a professional race, races are not canceled when it rains unless there is a hurricane in store. When you rain, you are making yourself stronger and tougher mentally. Moreover, it keeps you prepared for the day of the race, and you can carry on even if the weather becomes unfavorable for others. Convinced that rain is not a reason to stay indoors? Then here are few things to keep in mind before you start your actual run.

Wear a Hat that has a Brim
One of the issues of running in the rain is the visibility. The water runs down your forehead, eyebrows, and then eyes making it tough to see what is lying ahead. This is why you must get a hat that has a brim. The water will pour over the brims keeping your visibility intact. When it comes to choosing the type of hat, pick light ones if the day is warm and a thick one if it’s cold. Also get a fleece headband if it is too cold to protect your ears.

Wear layers of dress If It’s Cold
When the weather outside is cold, then you must wear layers of dress to keep yourself warm. Do not get a waterproof rain slicker as it will increase moisture and heat. Your innermost vest should be made of a technical fabric to keep your body sweat free. The outer most dress can be a water-resistant jacket.

Avoid Overdressing
Some over enthusiastic runners overdress when running in the rain. But the fact is the more you dress, more the amount of water the dress will retain making it tougher to run.

Use bright colored outer vests or jackets
Running in the rain means lower visibility not just for you but also for the people around you. Wearing bright colored dress will help you be visible to the people around you.

Prevent Chafing
Chafing is a serious issue for runners. If you are planning for a long run, use Vaseline on both inner sides of your thighs, feet, nipples (men), sports bra lines (women) and underarms. This will help prevent chafing.

Carry your running shoes in your bag
Use an old pair of shoes before the actual race and carry the running shoes in your bag. Just in case the rain stops before the contest, you will have dry shoes and socks for the run.

Protect Your Electronics
The best you can do is to leave them at home or keep them in your bag. If you still require a watch, use waterproof ones.

Avoid Running during Thunderstorms
Running in the rain is safe, but it has its own limits. You must never attempt running when there is a thunderstorm. Sometimes lightning might strike when there are thunderstorms.

Watch Your Step
Raining means that the path will be slippery. You must pay extra attention to the path and watch every step that you take. If you avoid this tip, the chances of injury are more. Run slowly and consistently. Avoid puddles on the way. Getting your shoes wet from a puddle will be annoying.

If you get wet, get dry clothes soon
After a fulfilling run in the rain, it is possible to ignore the wetness of the dress. It might lead to common cold and other problems. This makes it important to quickly change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Always carry am an extra set of clothes with you to avoid being wet for long.

Carry Extra Socks
Like you take an extra set of clothes, keep an extra pair of socks too. This would help you immediately change into dry socks and get rid of that wet, damp socks. It will prevent the blisters in your feet.

Dry Out Your Shoes
Once your run is over, remember to dry your shoes as soon as possible. Some fungal infections find wet surfaces favorable. Instead of showing the shoes to a heater or dryer, stuff your shoes with crumpled newspapers. This will help suck the shoes dry.

Now comes the final tip; it is easy to decide to run in the rain but how far you run depends on your own determination. Most of the people decide to run but when it rains, they find it as an excuse to stay indoors. The first thing in running in the rain is to prepare you mentally. Grab your shoes and keep running.