Things You Need to Know About Modern Family Planning

Things You Need to Know About Modern Family Planning

From coitus interruptus to sterilization- an evolution of birth control practices

The concept of family planning is not new to the human race. Ancient human civilization understood that the simplest way for birth control is to prevent the sperm from meeting the egg. So they placed herbal preparations inside the vagina and also practiced abortion when it failed to prevent fertilization. Coitus interruptus was practiced by the Jews and materials simulating modern day condoms were used during the pre-Christ era. Today, there are irreversible methods like sterilization. Though the practices have evolved over time, yet the underlying principles and the need for contraception have remained the same – enjoying sex without having to face the consequences.

Today we have a better understanding of how conception, pregnancy and other related conditions work. This has enabled us to develop a number of birth control practices :

Male condoms
The most popular and universally used method of contraception is the male condom. It is a barrier method. It acts by preventing the sperm from meeting the ovum. It is very cheap and can be used easily. There are no side effects of male condoms and they come in a variety of materials, designs, and flavors. Male condoms are easy to procure and do not require a doctor’s prescription. They are very popular because they can also protect against sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS.

Hormonal pills
A widely used birth control method that is popular among females is the birth control pill. These are hormonal preparations which are either a combination of estrogen and progestin or made up of only progestin (mini-pill). Hormonal pills need to be taken during every cycle regularly and should not be missed. They act on the monthly ovulation cycles and thereby prevent conception. A fair knowledge of monthly cycles is required to use hormonal pills effectively, and a doctor’s prescription is required to procure them. There are also emergency pills that can be taken the next day after a sexual encounter.

Cervical Cap
In a cervical cap, which uses the principle of the barrier method, a thimble-shaped cap is placed over the cervix to prevent the sperms from meeting the ovum. Cervical caps should be placed before six hours of having sex and should be removed within 48 hours after sex. They can be washed and reused. Do note that cervical caps offer no protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Rhythm method
For women who are not able to use pills or barrier methods, there are natural methods like the rhythm method , which is also known as the calendar method. This method is based on the principle that a woman is not fertile all the days of the month. There is a fertile period extending between five days before the date of ovulation to three days after ovulation. If a woman can avoid sex during these days, she can avoid pregnancy. The real trick lies in identifying the date of ovulation. There are online calculators and ovulation testing kits to determine fertile periods and dates of ovulation. The drawback of this method is that it is very uncertain and the chances of getting the dates right is an uphill task.

Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
IUD is a long-term method of family planning that acts by interfering with fertilization. In this practice of birth control, a device (either hormonal or made of copper) is placed in the female reproductive tract. IUDs require regular consultations with your physician and have to be chosen after testing all clinical parameters. People who are found suitable according to the corresponding standard guidelines should only use IUDs. Regular follow-ups are required in the initial few weeks to ensure that the IUD is in place. Sometimes there may be allergic reactions to IUDS. A hormonal IUD can be retained in the tract for five years, while a copper IUD can be kept for ten years.

Vasectomy is a permanent method of family planning in which the tracts that carry sperms are cut off and ligated. It is a simple procedure – a man can return home on the same day the vasectomy is done.

Another permanent method of birth control is Tubectomy, in which the fallopian tubes are cut and ligated, or coils are placed inside the tubes.

How to choose your method of family planning?

The choice is always yours. But there are lots of things to consider before you adopt any method. You need to fix the goal of your birth control. Is it short term or long term? Is it temporary or permanent? The motivation levels of both the partners and the amount of cooperation that your partner can offer also matters. Short term options, like barrier methods and hormonal pills, are suitable for couples who do not want a child immediately but do desire a child sometime in the future. For couples who are looking for a long-term solution, IUDs can be a better choice.

The choice is always yours. But there are lots of things to consider before you adopt any method. You need to fix the goal of your birth control. Is it short term or long term? Is it temporary or permanent? The motivation levels of both the partners and the amount of cooperation that your partner can offer also matters. Short term options, like barrier methods and hormonal pills, are suitable for couples who do not want a child immediately but do desire a child sometime in the future. For couples who are looking for a long-term solution, IUDs can be a better choice.

Sterilization is the best option if you have completed your family and are looking for a permanent solution.