Tips for Eating Out with Heartburn

Tips for Eating Out with Heartburn

What does heartburn feel like? For most people, it is like a burning feeling in the chest that happens when stomach acids move up into the esophagus . This is often caused by certain kinds of foods or drinks.You might think that you cannot eat out with this health issue. But that’s not true. If you stay away from certain acid reflux foods and keep an eye on portion sizes, you will be fine. To be on the safe side, choose low-fat options in restaurants and ask sauces and gravies to be served on the side.

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What food causes heartburn?

The following items can trigger heartburn in most people prone to this problem:

How to cure heartburn?

Now that you know which acid reflux foods to avoid, here is a list of foods that can be healthy for you:

  • Lean or white meat
  • Sandwiches made with whole grain bread and roasted chicken, beef or turkey
  • Grilled items and steamed veggies
  • Baked potatoes but the salad dressing should be low in fat
  • Very light desserts like sponge cakes

No matter where you are dining, ask how a dish was made to know if it contains any triggers or is not compatible with your heartburn diet. You can request the chef to modify the meal slightly to suit you as well.

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More tips to follow:

Though you might like dining out at a Chinese, Italian or Mexican joint now and then, you should keep a few tips in mind to stay away from acid reflux foods.

For a Chinese restaurant – Avoid ribs, egg rolls, hot and sour soup, crispy noodles, very spicy items and bread. Rather, go for steamed dumplings, wonton soup, veggies in a light sauce, brown rice, sauces made with broth, shrimps with mushrooms, broccoli, and fortune cookies.

For an Italian restaurant – Rich cream and tomato soups are definitely acid reflux food, besides extra cheese, hot peppers, sausage, oil based dressings, bacon, excess garlic, and desserts like cheesecake and tiramisu. Choose dishes with very little cheese, chicken in mushroom sauce, grilled fish or poultry, minestrone soup, risotto without cheese or butter, veggies without garlic and light biscotti or Italian cookies instead.

For a Mexican restaurant – Stay away from Mexican sausages, fried tortilla chips, cheese dips, deep-fried taco, salsa, tomato, onions, dried beans, chocolate sauce, and rich desserts. Also, avoid margaritas and sangrias. You can instead go for burritos, non-fried tortillas, fajitas, grilled fish or chicken, broth-based soups and dishes that use herbs like cilantro or cumin.

To prevent heartburns, always maintain a record of foods that create a problem for you so that you can avoid those in future. Be aware of the acid reflux foods mentioned above and consult your doctor if you are not sure about other triggers. Avoid going out for a dinner on a completely empty stomach so that you don’t binge on unhealthy food.

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