Toilet Training for Your Child All You Need to Know

Toilet Training for Your Child All You Need to Know

Learning to use the toilet successfully is a milestone for kids. Potty training requires patience as parents will need to spend considerable time in teaching their kids to use the toilet without any problem.
Here are some tips for parents for potty training their kids with ease.

The Right Time for Potty Training

So, when to start potty training your kids? There is no ideal age to toilet train the kids. Your child may be ready to use the toilet sooner or later than another.
Most kids are ready for potty training at 18 months of age. Girls can be ready for toilet training sooner than boys. Kids who have older siblings can even learn to use or show a willingness to use the toilet even sooner.
You will know your kid is ready for toilet training if you keep an eye out for subtle signs. If children can keep the diaper dry for a few hours or if they try to get on the toilet, you may want to try training them to use the toilet.

Potty Training Tips

When you start potty training your child, it is a good idea to let them have some diaper-free time. It helps them become more attuned to their toilet needs. You can begin the training with toddler-size potties or start them by using the toilet in the house but with a child-friendly toilet seat.
Include praise and rewards for every successful step in the potty training. Words of praise when your child uses the toilet every time instead of going in the diaper can be encouraging in the initial training days.
Start the training by letting them use the potty for 10 minutes at a fixed time daily. Even if they don’t go in the potty, continue with these training sessions.
Use proper words during the training such as pee or potty. Let your child learn the right words for using the potty or to indicate when they need to go. You can even show your child where the poop goes and how to use the flush.

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Potty training for girls 

The tough part is to teach little girls to first sit on the toilet seat, which can be scary for kids. If your child shows a fear of sitting on the toilet, begin the training by using a special child-friendly potty that she can pick out along with you.
Encourage your little girl to use the potty by transitioning her to panties from diapers when around the house. Girls love to imitate their mothers and to being able to wear underwear like adults can motivate them for potty training.

Potty training for boys 

It is best to not force boys to stand when using the toilet. Let them sit or stand as they wish and start using the toilet first. Once boys get the hang of it, they can begin to stand and use the potty on their own.
Even boys can feel motivated to use the potty for rewards such as wearing underwear instead of diapers. Correct them instantly if they intentionally aim outside the pot during the training.

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Common Potty Training Problems

Kids can be unwilling to learn new things during times of change such as moving houses or when they get a new sibling. It is best to wait to start potty training if your family is going through some changes.
Also, it is better to take a break from toilet training when the child is sick. Kids can show reluctance to use the potty if they have a tummy ache or a cold. It is important to commence potty training at a time when your child feels completely at ease.

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