Top 10 Meal Patterns for Diabetics

Top 10 Meal Patterns for Diabetics

Diabetes is a condition that affects the metabolism of glucose in your blood. Widely considered to be a lifestyle disease, type II diabetes slowly progresses over years .

One of the biggest issues with diabetes is how it can cause periods of lightheadedness and fatigue, which is due to the body’s inability to maintain healthy, adequate levels of glucose in the blood. In addition, as the disease progresses chronically over years, it has the potential to cause gangrene and amputation. Listed here are 10 meal patterns to be considered for people with diabetics:

Skip the Soda, Drink Water
One very big no-no for diabetics is to consume large amounts of sugar in a short amount of time. Soda generally is very high in sugar content and in high-fructose corn syrup content, both of which will spike your glucose levels. Consider swapping your soda for some refreshing carbonated water. Water is healthy , calorie free, and helps to curb your appetite.

Eat More Fiber
It is possibly a downside to the American diet- American adults simply do not eat enough fiber. Fiber is a starchy carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. When you eat fiber, especially soluble fiber, your body is able to add bulk to the stool and helps prevent you from overeating. Consider eating at least 25-30 grams of fiber daily by consuming fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole wheat.

Skip Red Meat and Have Fish
Eating red meat can cause issues with obesity and inflammation, both of which are a problem for diabetics. Rather than eating red meat, consider switching your diet to include fresh fish such as salmon , halibut, or tilapia. Fish tends to be lean and is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation in your body.

Avocado helps lower your anxiety and stress

Eat Healthy Snacks Like Avocado
Just because you have type II diabetes, it doesn’t mean that you have to skip out on snacks. Avocados are the best snack option for diabetics since they are naturally anti-inflammatory. Also, a medium-sized avocado can fill you up in a hurry. Consider eating one a few times a week as part of your healthy snack for the day.

Eat Smaller Meals
If you used to eat three large meals a day and used to snack in-between the meals, then you should change your meal pattern. Some experts state that eating six small meals per day is actually better for your glucose and insulin levels. In addition, smaller meals spread across the day will help prevent any possible mood crashes that are known to occur with diabetes.

Go Black, Skip the Sugar
Over the past 20 years, the American culture has become crazed with coffee. This has led to most coffee shops serving drinks like Frappuccinos, and Macchiatos, which we have come to love. These beverages may taste amazing, but they typically contain close to 50 grams of sugar in them. The effects of sugar on diabetics are harsh and this amount of sugar is not recommended for any diabetic, and while coffee is typically regarded as being healthy, a better option would be to enjoy black coffee. If black coffee is too harsh for you, consider adding a sugar substitute and fat-free milk in it.

Eating Before Going To Bed
One thing that diabetics need to avoid a big meal before going to bed. When you sleep, your body goes into a state of hibernation. This means that when you eat before going to bed, all of those extra calories are sent directly to your fat storage.Therefore, consider skipping a meal that you may have before going to bed and opt for a fresh piece of fruit instead.

Eat at Least Five Servings of Fruits and Vegetables
Five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables are important for any diet, but it is even more important for diabetics. Fruits and vegetables provide healthy energy, ample nutrients and fiber. They also give you that feeling of being full, which prevents you from overeating.

Avoid Fruit Juices
While fruit juices typically contain fruit, they usually are full of empty calories and are loaded with sugar. Consider eating a piece of fruit rather than drinking fruit juice, or consider drinking vegetable juice or lightly flavored water.

Swap Pasta for Squash
One of the hottest trends in the kitchen for diabetics is to swap out the pasta for spiralized squash. Using a spiralizer, simply shred up some of your favorite squash and substitute it for spaghetti. Spiralized squash is a nutritious option that is low in sugar and calories.