Top 6 Budget Friendly Healthy Foods

Top 6 Budget Friendly Healthy Foods

Eating healthy food when you have a packed schedule, sounds like a challenging proposition, doesn’t it? Budget-friendly healthy foods are not easy to find, and are sometimes even expensive.  However, there are some healthy food, which can comfortably fit within your budget. Here are some budget-friendly foods, with an explanation of their nutritional benefits, and why you should include them in your diet daily.

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Broccoli is beneficial when you eat it on a regular basis. It is rich in Vitamin C, and helps ease digestion. It even helps to boost your immune system, which will help your metabolism. A cup of broccoli provides nearly 135% of your daily nutritional need. Its rich vitamin content helps your blood flow and prevents specific congenital disabilities. You can either eat broccoli raw or cook it the way you want.
Cost: $1.64 per head.

Spinach is filled with vitamin K, which plays a significant role in keeping your bones healthy and reduces the risk of a heart attack. If you have been  wearing spectacles from an early age, eating spinach regularly can help improve your eyesight. It boosts your immune system with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese, and foliate. You can either eat spinach raw or add it to your cooked meals and salads. You can also make a spinach smoothie.
Pricing: $2 per 9 ounces.


Carrots are extremely affordable, and provide many benefits to your body. Carrots are the most abundant source of beta-carotene, which is extremely useful for skin repairs, and helps with improving your vision. A cup of carrot provides 428% of your daily vitamin A and helps boost your immune system. Carrots have high amounts of antioxidants, and even helps to  prevent harmful cancer cells entering your body. Carrots can eaten raw, or either cooked as toppings on different dishes.
Pricing: $0.74 per pound.


Oatmeal has essential nutrient -dietary fibers. These dietary fibers help prevent a spike in insulin, and slowly digests every enzyme. Oatmeal provides Vitamin B, iron, zinc, manganese and phosphorous. For a diabetic patient, it is essential to take a portion of oatmeal every day with milk or water.
Cost: $2 per pound.


Bananas have essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. They provide the right amount of dietary fiber, which is good for your insulin as well as your heart.
Cost: $0.60 a pound.

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You must incorporate these healthy foods into your daily diet plans . You can eat healthy food on a budget and you will see an improvement in your health in no time.

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