Top Benefits of Green Coffee

Top Benefits of Green Coffee

The smell of roasted coffee beans is enough to set any caffeine fiend’s senses on fire. But while the roasting process creates a delicious flavor, it also happens to kill off many of the natural antioxidants that exist within the beans.

Green coffee, on the other hand, refers to coffee brewed from beans that are raw and unroasted. Whether taken as a beverage or as a supplement, green coffee bean extract has a wealth of incredible health benefits that your regular morning cup of brew can’t match up to.

Here are six of the top benefits of green coffee:

It suppresses appetite
If you’re looking to lose weight , green coffee would be a good addition to your diet. This is because it contains a natural appetite suppressant known as chlorogenic acid. Therefore, green coffee is a useful meavideons of curbing any food cravings between meals .

It boosts metabolism
Green coffee actually contains much less caffeine than regular coffee per serve. Moreover, the active compound Chlorogenic Acid, found inside green coffee beans, inhibits the release of glucose in the body while simultaneously boosting the body’s metabolism. Together, these assist in burning fat and losing weight .

It’s rich in antioxidants
Green coffee scores about 2500 on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale — a scale which is used to measure the antioxidant quantity in foods. This puts it considerably higher than regular coffee, as well as plenty of famously antioxidant-rich foods like blueberries and kale . Some studies have suggested that these antioxidants may help fight diseases and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

It fights aging
Another benefit of the aforementioned antioxidants is that green coffee might well be an incredible ally in your fight against the aging process. This is because the Chlorogenic Acid in green coffee combats free radicals within the body, while other antioxidative agents in green coffee help to maintain healthy, youthful skin .

It lowers blood pressure
We all know that high blood pressure is a bad sign. Various studies that have tested the effects of green coffee bean extract have found that a daily dose can lead to a significant reduction in blood pressure. However, the regular coffee roasting process creates a byproduct called hydroxyhydroquinone that inhibits this effect, and that’s why regular coffee doesn’t help in lowering blood pressure.

It improves focus and cognitive function
When studied, caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive performance, specifically aiding in factors like focus, memory, reaction time and mental alertness. In addition, green coffee beans have been found to improve the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is essential to memory, learning, and behavior. Because low levels of BDNF have been linked to depression and mental diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, green coffee may well be a huge boon in the area of mental health.

So the next time you plan on grabbing a cup of coffee, be sure to make it a cup of green coffee – so that you can grab onto the many health benefits of this truly natural brew.