Top Dieting Tips for Women in Fall 2017

Top Dieting Tips for Women in Fall 2017

Our body undergoes changes with each passing season. As days get shorter and nights get longer, our body cycle changes too. This, in turn, affects our body weight. Therefore, stay healthy this fall by making these easy changes to your diet :

Increase your intake of vitamin D
Increasing your intake of vitamin D, which is known as the “sunshine vitamin”, in the form of supplements or natural sources , will help you maintain optimal blood levels. Vitamin D is a primary nutrient for bone health, and increasing its intake in the fall season when the sun doesn’t shine as much as in the summer, will help you stay healthy. Vitamin D will also help boost your immunity, which is important to avoid colds and flu that are prominent during the fall season.

Eat a lot of fiber
Seasonal changes strongly affect our digestion. Fiber aids in weight loss helps in digestion and suppresses constipation. It also helps regulate water metabolism. So, add fiber to your diet this fall by eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and legumes.

Drink lots of water
As summer is on its way out, your thirst also reduces as you sweat less. But it’s important to keep on drinking lots of water , as water helps maintain your metabolic rate. Also, having a glowing skin in the fall season is only possible through proper hydration of your body. So, this fall, make it a point to drink lots of water.

Increase your intake of carbohydrates
Carbs are known to providing energy, and you definitely would need more energy during the fall season. As the days get shorter, you may begin to suffer from a mild form of depression, known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder”. Eating carbohydrates will help boost your mood and make you more active. It’s important to note, though, that carbs should be eaten in proportion to other nutritional elements in your diet.

Sleep well
The relationship of your sleep with your diet is paramount. Colder seasons mean less activity and a sluggish metabolism. Good sleep will ensure that whatever you eat is digested well and that your metabolism is at its optimum level.

So, what are you waiting for? Make this fall season a healthy one with these dieting tips.