Travelers’ Diarrhea: Learn About Antibiotics & Treatment

Travelers’ Diarrhea: Learn About Antibiotics & Treatment

If you followed the food and water safety , but still got sick you should take the following steps:

Step 1) contact medical provider to decide which medication is appropriate and if you need to be seen at a medical clinic.

  • Imodium should be the first drug you reach for when having moderate diarrhea (<3 bowel movements per day, for less than 2 days)
  • Azithromycin (aka the Z-pack), is an antibiotic that given if you are traveling to Asia. Take if you have diarrhea plus a fever, diarrhea plus vomiting, >3 bowel movements, or if symptoms are lasting >2 days.
  • Ciprofloxoin is an antibiotic given if you are traveling to South America, Europe, Africa, Australia, Middle east. Take if you have diarrhea plus a fever, diarrhea plus vomiting, >3 bowel movements, or if symptoms are lasting >2 days.

Step 2) Hydrate: try to drink at least 8 cups of water per day. Gatorade or pedialyte are helpful for restoring lost electrolytes. If unable to keep fluids down, go to medical clinic to prevent dehydration.

Step 3) Follow a bland diet such as bananas, rice, dry toast, crackers, plain chicken or fish. Avoid spicy and acidic foods, alcohol, and caffeine that can further upset your stomach.

Step 4) When to seek medical attention: if you feel weak, dizzy, are having >3 bowel movements per day for >2 days, have a fever, see blood in your stool or vomit, can’t keep food down, or have decreased urination.