Weight Loss Myths: True or False?
Claim: Some people lose weight faster than others
True: thanks to different metabolism rates some people will lose weight faster, but that does not mean the slower metabolism people can’t do things to increase their metabolism. Tactics such as eating spicy foods, drinking lemon water, and of course building more muscle mass are shown to increase metabolism and daily calories burned.
Claim: It’s easier for men to lose weight
True: In general men can lose weight faster than women, since women’s bodies are designed to hold on to fat more in order to protect their ability to carry children. Hormones such as cortisol will rise much higher in women when faced with several calorie deprivations. This doesn’t mean all men lose weight faster than all women, men and also have slow metabolisms and experience difficulty losing weight.
Claim: Fidgeting helps lose weight
True: Some people are “fidgeters” meaning that they are also tapping their feet or moving around in their chair, fidgeting can burn up to 300 calories a day, so these people will be able to lose weight more easily. Interestingly enough when the body is in calorie deprivation people are less likely to fidget due to the innate desire to conserve the calories the body is consuming.
Claim: I need to starve to lose weight
False: In fact, severe calorie restriction has immediate effects on the body and metabolism that will make it harder to keep the weight off in the end.
Claim: Muscle increases metabolism
True: Yes it’s true, experts claim those with good muscle mass can burn an extra 50 calories a day without any additional effort.